
35 Elements

Part 7

Alphabetical Reference List of Tags and Attributes

35 Elements

ab abbr activity actor add addName address addrLine addSpan admin affiliation alt altGrp analytic anchor any app arc argument att attDef attlDecl attList attName author authority availability back baseWsd bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct bicond birth bloc body broadcast byline c caesura camera caption case castGroup castItem castList catDesc category catRef cb cell certainty change channel character characters children cit cl class classCode classDecl classDoc classes closer codedCharSet col colloc cond constitution corr correction country creation damage dataDesc dataType date dateline dateRange dateStruct day def default del delSpan derivation desc desc descrip dft direction distance distinct distributor div divGen div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle domain edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education eg eg eLeaf elemDecl emph encodingDesc entDoc entitySet entName entry entryFree epigraph epilogue equipment equiv eTree etym event exceptions exemplum expan extent extFigure f factuality fAlt fDecl fDescr figDesc figure figure fileDesc files firstLang fLib foreign forename forest forestGrp form form formula front fs fsConstraints fsdDecl fsDecl fsDescr fsLib funder fvLib fw gap gen genName geog geogName gi gloss gram gramGrp graph group hand handList handShift head headItem headLabel hi hom hour hyph hyphenation idno if iff ihs imprimatur imprint index iNode interaction interp interpGrp interpretation item itype join joinGrp keywords kinesic l label lacunaEnd lacunaStart lang langKnown language language langUsage lb lbl leaf lem lg lg1 lg2 lg3 lg4 lg5 line link linkGrp list listBibl locale m measure meeting mentioned metDecl milestone minus minute monogr month mood move msr name nameLink nbr node none normalization note note notesStmt null num number occasion occupation offset ofig opener oRef orgDivn orgName orgTitle orgType orig orth otherForm oVar p page parents part particDesc particLinks pause pb per performance persName person personGrp phr placeName plus pos postBox postCode pRef preparedness principal profileDesc projectDesc prologue pron ptr publicationStmt publisher pubPlace purpose pVar q quotation quote rate rdg rdgGrp re recording recordingStmt ref refsDecl reg region relation remarks rendition residence resp respons respStmt restore revisionDesc role roleDesc roleName root row rs s salute samplingDecl script scriptStmt second seg segmentation sense series seriesStmt set setting settingDesc settlement shift sic signed soCalled socecStatus sound sourceDesc sp space span spanGrp speaker sponsor stage state stdVals step str street stress string subc superentry supplied surname syll sym symbol table tag tagDoc tagsDecl tagUsage taxonomy tech TEI.2 teiCorpus.2 teiFsd2 teiHeader term termEntry termEntry text textClass textDesc then tig time timeline timeRange timeStruct title titlePage titlePart titleStmt tns tr trailer trans tree triangle tsd u uncertain unclear usg val valDesc valList vAlt variantEncoding vDefault %version view vocal vol vRange w week when wit witDetail witEnd witList witness witStart writing writingSystemDeclaration xptr xr xref year