<altGrp> (alternation group) groups a collection of <alt> elements and possibly pointers.
mode states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
Datatype: (excl|incl)
Legal values:
excl indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
incl indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
Default: excl
wScale indicates the scale used to express the value of the weights attribute value.
Datatype: (perc|real)
Legal values:
perc indicates that the weights are expressed as percentages.
real indicates that the weights are expressed as values between 0 and 1.
Default: perc
<altGrp mode=excl>
  <alt targType='seg seg' targets='dm lt bb' weights='50 25 25'>
  <alt targType='l l' targets='rl db' weights='50 50'>
<altGrp mode=incl wscale=perc targType='seg l'>
  <alt targets='dm rl' weights='90 90'>
  <alt targets='lt rl' weights='5 5'>
  <alt targets='bb rl' weights='5 5'>
  <alt targets='dm db' weights='10 10'>
  <alt targets='lt db' weights='45 90'>
  <alt targets='bb db' weights='45 90'>
Tagsetadditional tag set for
Classmetadata, pointerGroup [and indirectly also:] globincl, pointer
Content: Any number of alternations, pointers or extended pointers.
Childrenalt ptr xptr
<!ELEMENT altGrp        - -  ((alt | ptr | xptr)*)              >
<!ATTLIST altGrp             %a.global
          mode               (excl | incl)       excl
          wScale             (perc | real)       perc           >
See 14.8

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