calendar | indicates the system or calendar to which the date belongs. |
| Datatype: CDATA |
| Values: Recommended values include:
Islamic. |
| Default: #IMPLIED |
from | indicates the starting point of the period in standard form. |
| Datatype: CDATA |
| Values: any date in a standard form; recommended form is yyyy-mm-dd. |
| Default: #IMPLIED |
Note | The value should conform to the standard form declared in
the <std.vals> element in the TEI header.
to | indicates the ending point of the period in standard form. |
| Datatype: CDATA |
| Values: any date in a standard form; recommended form is yyyy-mm-dd. |
| Default: #IMPLIED |
Note | The value should conform to the standard form declared in
the <stdVals> element in the TEI header.
exact | indicates the precision to be attached to either or both dates
specified. |
| Datatype: (to|from|both|none) |
| Legal values: | to | the to date is exact | from | the from date is exact | both | both dates are exact | none | both dates are approximate or unspecified |
| Default: #IMPLIED |
| Example:
<dateRange from=1100 to=1120 exact=from>
Early 12th century</dateRange>
Note | date values should conform to the standard form declared in
the <stdVals> element in the TEI header.