<step> (step) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the ``stepwise'' method.
refunit (reference unit) names the unit (book, chapter, canto, verse, ...) identified by this step in a canonical reference.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string of characters; typically a word or phrase in some natural language.
Default: #IMPLIED

The provision of this attribute helps make the structure of the canonical reference much clearer. Its use is strongly recommended.

length specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
Datatype: NUMBER
Values: Should be a positive integer; if no value is provided, the length is unlimited and goes to the next delimiter or to the end of the value.
Default: #IMPLIED

When constructing a reference, if the reference component found is of numeric type, the length is made up by inserting leading zeros; if it is not, by inserting trailing blanks. In either case, reference components are truncated if necessary at the right hand side.

When seeking a reference, the length indicates the number of characters which should be compared. Values longer than this will be regarded as matching, if they start correctly.

delim supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: If a single space is used it is interpreted as whitespace
Default: #IMPLIED
from specifies the starting point of the area referred to by this step in the canonical reference.
Datatype: %extPtr
Values: a valid expression in the TEI extended pointer notation documented in section 14.2 .
Default: #REQUIRED
to specifies the ending point of the area referred to by this step in the canonical reference.
Datatype: %extPtr
Values: a valid expression in the TEI extended pointer notation documented in section 14.2 .
Default: 'DITTO'


  <step delim=":" from='CHILD (1 DIV1 N %1)' refunit='book'>

With two differences, the extended pointer expressions given as values for the from and to attributes behave like those given for the corresponding attributes of an extended pointer element like <xptr> . First: unlike normal extended pointer expressions, those on a <step> element can contain references to tokens in the canonical reference string itself, expressed as %1 , %2 , etc. Second: the initial location source for the first step is the root of the document, as for normal extended pointers. The initial location source for subsequent steps, however, is the result of the previous step, not the root.

Tagsetauxiliary tag set for TEI headers
<!ELEMENT step          - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST step               %a.global
          refunit            CDATA               #IMPLIED
          length             NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          delim              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          from               %extPtr             #REQUIRED
          to                 %extPtr             'DITTO'        >
See ; 5.3.5 ;

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