<eTree> (embedding tree) provides an alternative to <tree> element for representing ordered rooted tree structures.
label gives a label for an embedding tree.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A character string.
Default: #IMPLIED
value provides the value of an embedding tree, which is a feature structure or other analytic element.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: A valid identifier of a feature structure or other analytic element.
Default: #IMPLIED
<eTree n='ex1' label=PP>
   <eTree label=P><eLeaf label=with></eTree>
   <eTree label=NP>
      <eTree label=Art><eLeaf label=the></eTree>
      <eTree label=N><eLeaf label=periscope></eTree>
Tagsetadditional tag set for graphs, networks, and trees
Classchunk [and indirectly also:] common
Content: zero or more embedding trees, triangles, or embedding leafs.
Parentsadd argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 eTree epigraph epilogue equiv forest item metDecl note performance prologue q quote remarks set sic stage triangle view
ChildreneLeaf eTree triangle
<!ELEMENT eTree         - -  ((eTree | triangle | eLeaf )*)     >
<!ATTLIST eTree              %a.global
          label              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          value              IDREF               #IMPLIED       >
See 21.3

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