<div4> (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text.
<div3 n=2.2.1><head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head>
 <div4 n= type=subsection>
  <head>Subsect I. -- Dyet rectified in substance.</head>
  <p>Diet, <term lang=GRK>diaitotiku</term>,
  <term lang=LAT>victus</term>  or living
  <!-- ... -->
 <div4 n= type=subsection>
  <head>Subsect II. -- Dyet rectified in quantity.</head>
  <p>Man alone, saith Cardan, eates and drinks without
  appetite, and useth all his pleasures without necessity
  <!-- ... -->
Tagsetbase tag set for common core features
Classdeclaring, divn
Content: any sequence of low-level structural elements, possibly grouped into lower subdivisions.
Childrenab argument bibl biblFull biblStruct byline camera caption castList cit closer dateline div5 divGen docAuthor docDate eTree entry entryFree epigraph event graph head kinesic l label lg lg1 list listBibl move note opener p pause q quote salute shift signed sound sp stage superentry tech termEntry trailer tree u view vocal witDetail witList writing
<!ELEMENT div4          - O  ((%m.divtop;)*, ( (div5 | divGen)+ 
                             | ((%component;)+, (div5 | 
                             divGen)*)), (%m.divbot;)*)         >
<!ATTLIST div4               %a.global
                             %a.divn                            >
See 7.1.2 ; 13.4

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