<leaf> encodes the leaves (terminal nodes) of a tree.
label gives a label for a leaf.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A character string.
Default: #IMPLIED
value provides the value of a leaf, which is a feature structure or other analytic element.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: A valid identifier of a feature structure or other analytic element.
Default: #IMPLIED
parent provides the ID of parent of a leaf.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: The ID of the parent node.
Default: #IMPLIED
follow provides an ID of an element which this leaf follows.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: An ID of another intermediate node or leaf of the tree.
Default: #IMPLIED

If the tree is unordered or partially ordered, this attribute has the property of fixing the relative order of the leaf and the element which is the value of the attribute.

<leaf id=peri1 parent=N1 label=periscope>

The in degree of a leaf is always 1, its out degree always 0.

Tagsetadditional tag set for graphs, networks, and trees
Content: empty
<!ELEMENT leaf          - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST leaf               %a.global
          label              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          value              IDREF               #IMPLIED
          parent             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          follow             IDREF               #IMPLIED       >
See 21.2

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