<f> (Feature) associates a name with a value of any of several different types.
name provides a name for a feature.
Datatype: NMTOKEN
Values: A name token.
Default: #REQUIRED
org indicates organization of given value or values as singleton, set, bag or list.
Datatype: (single|set|bag|list)
Legal values:
single indicates that the given value is a singleton.
set indicates that the given values are organized as a set.
bag indicates that the given values are organized as a bag (multiset).
list indicates that the given values are organized as a list.
Default: #IMPLIED

If the org=single attribute value is specified and more than one value for the feature is given, then only the first value is used.

rel indicates the relation between the values that are given as the content of the feature or pointed at by the fVal attribute and the actual values of the feature.
Datatype: (eq|ne|sb|ns)
Legal values:
eq indicates that the given values are the actual values.
ne indicates that the given values are not the actual values.
sb indicates that the given values are a subset, subbag or sublist of the actual values.
ns indicates that the given values are not a subset, subbag or sublist of the actual values.
Default: eq

If org=single , then rel=sb is equivalent to rel=eq , and rel=ns is equivalent to rel=ne .

fVal points to the id attributes of feature values.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: one or more legal SGML identifiers.
Default: #IMPLIED

May be used instead of content.

<f name=gender><sym value=feminine></f>

If content is empty and no fVal attribute is present, then value is that specified by <default> .

Content is defined as (null | (%mVal;)*) in FS3.dtd. The entity %mVal; is defined as "%aVal; | %dVal;" in FS3.dtd. %aVal; is defined as "plus | minus | any | none | dft | uncertain". %dVal; is defined as "%cVal; | fs". Finally, %cVal; is defined as "sym | nbr | msr | rate | str | vAlt | alt",

Tagsetadditional tag set for feature structures
Content: Exactly one null value, or zero or more values other than null.
Parentsbicond cond fAlt fLib fs if
Childrenalt any dft fs minus msr nbr none null plus rate str sym uncertain vAlt
<!ELEMENT f             - O  (null | (plus | minus | any | none 
                             | dft | uncertain | sym | nbr | 
                             msr | rate | str | vAlt | alt | 
                             fs)*)                              >
<!ATTLIST f                  %a.global
          name               NMTOKEN             #REQUIRED
          org                (single | set | bag | list) 
          rel                (eq | ne | sb | ns) eq
          fVal               IDREFS              #IMPLIED       >
See 16.2

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