<graph> encodes a graph, which is a collection of nodes, and arcs which connect the nodes.
type describes the type of graph.
Datatype: CDATA
Legal values:
undirected undirected graph
directed directed graph
transition network a directed graph with distinguished initial and final nodes
transducer a transition network with up to two labels on each arc
Default: #IMPLIED

If type=undirected , then the distinction between the to and from attributes of the <arc> tag is neutralized. Also, the adj attribute, rather than the adjFrom and adjTo attributes, should be used to encode pointers to the ends of the arcs. If type=directed (or any other value which implies directionality), then the adjFrom and adjTo attributes should be used, instead of the adj attribute.

label gives a label for a graph.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A character string.
Default: #IMPLIED
order states the order of the graph, i.e., the number of its nodes.
Datatype: NUMBER
Values: A positive integer.
Default: #IMPLIED
size states the size of the graph, i.e., the number of its arcs.
Datatype: NUMBER
Values: A nonnegative integer.
Default: #IMPLIED
<graph type=undirected
       label='Airline Connections in Southwestern USA'
       rend='LABEL-PLACE bottom center NODE-FRAME none ARC solid line'
  <node label=LAX id=LAX degree=2>
  <node label=LVG id=LVG degree=2>
  <node label=PHX id=PHX degree=3>
  <node label=TUS id=TUS degree=1>
  <node label=CIB id=CIB degree=0>
  <arc  from=LAX to=LVG>
  <arc  from=LAX to=PHX>
  <arc  from=LVG to=PHX>
  <arc  from=PHX to=TUS>
<graph type=directed
       label='Selected Airline Routes in Southwestern USA'
       rend='LABEL-PLACE bottom center NODE-FRAME none ARC solid line
with arrowhead'
   <node label=LAX id=LAX inDegree=1 outDegree=1 adjTo=LVG adjFrom=PHX>
   <node label=LVG id=LVG inDegree=1 outDegree=1 adjFrom=LAX adjTo=PHX>
   <node label=PHX id=PHX inDegree=2 outDegree=2 adjTo='LAX TUS'
         adjFrom='LVG TUS'>
   <node label=TUS id=TUS inDegree=1 outDegree=1 adjTo=PHX adjFrom=PHX>
   <node label=CIB id=CIB inDegree=0 outDegree=0>
Tagsetadditional tag set for graphs, networks, and trees
Classchunk [and indirectly also:] common
Content: One or more nodes and zero or more arcs in any order.
Parentsadd argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue equiv item metDecl note performance prologue q quote remarks set sic stage view
Childrenarc node
<!ELEMENT graph         - -  ((node+, arc*) | (arc*, node+))    >
<!ATTLIST graph              %a.global
          type               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          label              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          order              NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          size               NUMBER              #IMPLIED       >
See 21.1

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