<classes> specifies all the classes of which the documented element or class is a member or subclass.
names lists the identifiers of all classes of which the documented element or class is a member or subclass, possibly using parentheses to indicate inheritance.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: a list of class names separated by spaces or commas, and optionally enclosed by parentheses; each name should be the class name specified for some element class in the scheme being documented or modified.
Default: #REQUIRED
<classes names='hqinter (inter (common))'>hqinter
[and indirectly also:] common, inter</classes>

This <classes> element indicates that the element documented is a member of the class hqinter , which is itself a subclass of the classes inter and thus also of common . The value of the names attribute and the content are synonymous, two ways of representing the same information.

   <classes names='hqinter'>hqinter</classes>

This <classes> element indicates that the element documented is a member of the class hqinter , but gives no indication that hqinter is itself a subclass of phrase .

Tagsetauxiliary tag set for tag set declarations
Content: Empty
ParentsclassDoc tagDoc
<!ELEMENT classes       - O  (#PCDATA)                          >
<!ATTLIST classes            %a.global
          names              CDATA               #REQUIRED      >
See 27.1 ; 27.2

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