<figure> indicates the location of a graphic, illustration, or figure.
entity names the external entity within which the graphic image of the figure is stored.
Datatype: ENTITY
Values: the entity name of some external entity declared either as a SUBDOC entity or as an entity using a non-SGML notation.
Default: #IMPLIED

This attribute may be omitted if for some reason no electronic form of the image is provided.

<figure entity='Fig1'>
<head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>
<figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four
or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a
series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc>

The end-tag must be supplied, even if the element has no content.

Tagsetadditional tag set for formulae
Classinter, tpParts
Parentsab add admin camera caption case cell colloc corr country damage def desc descrip docEdition emph equiv etym fDescr figDesc foreign form formula fsDescr gen gram gramGrp head hi hyph imprimatur item itype l lang lbl lem meeting mood note number orth otherForm p per pos pron q quote rdg ref region rendition seg set sic sound stage stress subc supplied syll tagUsage tech title titlePage titlePart tns tr trans unclear usg view wit witDetail witness writing xr xref
ChildrenfigDesc head p text
<!ELEMENT figure        - -  (head?, p*, figDesc?, text?)       >
<!ATTLIST figure             %a.global
          entity             ENTITY              #IMPLIED       >
See 22

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