<span> (span) associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text.
value identifies the specific phenomenon being annotated.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #REQUIRED
from specifies the beginning of the passage being annotated; if not accompanied by a to attribute, then specifies the entire passage.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: The ID of the element which occurs at the beginning of the passage.
Default: #REQUIRED
to specifies the end of the passage being annotated.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: The ID of the element which occurs at the end of the passage.
Default: #IMPLIED
<span resp=TMA type='structural unit' value='aftermath' from=P2 to=P4>
Tagsetadditional tag set for
Classinterpret, metadata [and indirectly also:] globincl
Content: Empty element.
<!ELEMENT span          - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST span               %a.global
          value              CDATA               #REQUIRED
          from               IDREF               #REQUIRED
          to                 IDREF               #IMPLIED       >
See 15.3

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