<castList> (cast list) contains a single cast list or dramatis personae.
<castGroup><head rend=braced>Mendicants</head>
  <castItem><role>Aafaa</><actor>Femi Johnson</></>
  <castItem><role>Blindman</><actor>Femi Osofisan</></>
  <castItem><role>Goyi</><actor>Wale Ogunyemi</></>
  <castItem><role>Cripple</><actor>Tunji Oyelana</></>
  <role>Si Bero</><roleDesc>Sister to Dr Bero</>
  <actor>Deolo Adedoyin</>
<castGroup><head rend=braced>Two old women</head>
  <castItem><role>Iya Agba</><actor>Nguba Agolia</></>
  <castItem><role>Iya Mate</><actor>Bopo George</></>
  <role>Dr Bero</><roleDesc>Specialist</>
  <actor>Nat Okoro</>
<castItem><role>Priest</><actor>Gbenga Sonuga</></>
<castItem><role>The old man</><roleDesc>Bero's father</>
   <actor>Dapo Adelugba</>
<stage>The action takes place in and around the home surgery of
Dr Bero, lately returned from the wars.</stage>

Tagsetbase tag set for performance texts
Classcomp.drama, dramafront, inter [and indirectly also:] front
Parentsab add admin argument back body camera caption case castList cell colloc corr country damage def desc descrip div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 docEdition emph epigraph epilogue equiv etym fDescr figDesc foreign form front fsDescr gen gram gramGrp head hi hyph imprimatur item itype l lang lbl lem meeting metDecl mood note number orth otherForm p per performance pos prologue pron q quote rdg ref region remarks rendition seg set sic sound stage stress subc supplied syll tagUsage tech title titlePart tns tr trans unclear usg view wit witDetail witness writing xr xref
Childrenab argument bibl biblFull biblStruct byline camera caption castGroup castItem castList cit dateline docAuthor docDate eTree entry entryFree epigraph event graph head kinesic l label lg lg1 list listBibl move note opener p pause q quote salute shift signed sound sp stage superentry tech termEntry tree u view vocal witDetail witList writing
<!ELEMENT castList      - -  ((%m.divtop)*, (%component)*, 
                             (castItem | castGroup)+, 
                             (%component)*)                     >
<!ATTLIST castList           %a.global                          >
See 10.1.4 ; 10.1

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