<milestone> marks the boundary between sections of a text, as indicated by changes in a standard reference system.
ed (edition) indicates which edition or version the milestone applies to.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters; usually a siglum conventionally used for the edition.
Default: #IMPLIED
n (number or name) indicates the new number or other value for the unit which changes at this milestone.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED

The special value unnumbered should be used in passages which fall outside the normal numbering scheme (e.g. chapter heads, poem numbers or titles, or speaker attributions in verse drama).

unit indicates what kind of section is changing at this milestone.
Datatype: CDATA
Legal values:
page page breaks in the reference edition.
column column breaks.
line line breaks.
book any units termed `book', `liber', etc.
poem individual poems in a collection.
canto cantos or other major sections of a poem.
stanza stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
act acts within a play.
scene scenes within a play or act.
section sections of any kind.
absent passages not present in the reference edition.
Default: #REQUIRED

If the milestone marks the beginning of a piece of text not present in the reference edition, the special value absent may be used as the value of unit . The normal interpretation is that the reference edition does not contain the text which follows, until the next <milestone> tag for the edition in question is encountered.

In addition to the values suggested, other terms may be appropriate (e.g. Stephanus for the Stephanus numbers in Plato).

    <milestone ed=La unit=Dreissiger n=23>
    <milestone ed=AV unit=verse n=24>

Milestones for page and column should precede milestones for line numbers, but this and other logical requirements cannot be enforced automatically by SGML; for better validation, a concurrent markup stream may be used.

Tagsetadditional tag set for common core features
Classrefsys [and indirectly also:] globincl
<!ELEMENT milestone     - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST milestone          %a.analysis
          id                 ID                  #IMPLIED
          lang               IDREF               %INHERITED
          rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          ed                 CDATA               #IMPLIED
          n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
          unit               CDATA               #REQUIRED      >
See 6.9.3

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