<lg1> (line group) contains a first-level (i.e. largest) group of verse lines functioning as a formal unit e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc.
     <lg1 n='VIII' type=stanza>
        <lg2 type=sestet>
          <l>In the first year of Freedom's second dawn</l>
          <l>Died George the Third; although no tyrant, one</l>
          <l>Who shielded tyrants, till each sense withdrawn</l>
          <l>Left him nor mental nor external sun:</l>
          <l>A better farmer ne'er brushed dew from lawn,</l>
          <l>A worse king never left a realm undone!</l>
        <lg2 type=couplet>
          <l>He died ‐ but left his subjects still behind,</l>
          <l>One half as mad ‐ and t'other no less blind.</l>
Tagsetbase tag set for verse texts
Classcomp.verse, divn, metrical
Content: contains verse lines or nested line groups only, possibly prefixed by a heading.
Parentsadd argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue equiv item metDecl note performance prologue q quote remarks set sic stage view
Childrenhead l lg2
<!ELEMENT lg1           - O  (head?, (l | lg2)+)                >
<!ATTLIST lg1                %a.global
                             %a.metrical                        >
See 9.2

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