<writing> | (Writing) a passage of written text revealed to participants in the course
of a spoken text. |
Attributes: | who | (who) supplies an identifier for the participant who reveals or
creates the writing, if any.
Its value is the identifier of a <participant>
or <participant.grp> element in the TEI header. | | Datatype: IDREF | | Values: Must identify a participant or participant group within the
TEI Header | | Default: %INHERITED | Note | | type | (Type) categorizes the kind of writing in some way, for example
as a subtitle, noticeboard etc. | | Datatype: CDATA | | Values: Open list | | Default: #IMPLIED | Note | | script | (Script pointer) points to a bibliographic citation in the header giving
a full description of the source or script of the writing. | | Datatype: IDREF | | Values: Must be a valid identifier for a <script.decl>
element in the TEI header | | Default: #IMPLIED | Note | | gradual | (gradual) indicates whether the writing is revealed all at once or
gradually. | | Datatype: (y | n | u) | | Legal values: | y | the writing is revealed gradually. | n | the writing is revealed all at once. | u | unknown or unmarked. |
| | Default: #IMPLIED | Note | |
Example |
Note | The <writing> element will usually be short
and most simply transcribed as a character string; the content
model also allows a sequence of paragraphs and paragraph-level
elements, in case the writing has enough internal structure to
warrant such markup. In either case the usual phrase-level
tags for written text are available.
Tagset | base tag set for spoken materials |
Class | comp.spoken |
Filename | teispok2 |
Parents | add argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4
div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue equiv item metDecl note performance
prologue q quote remarks set sic stage u view |
Children | #PCDATA abbr add address app att bibl biblFull biblStruct c
caesura camera caption castList cit cl corr damage date dateRange
dateStruct del distinct emph expan figure foreign formula fw geogName
gi gloss handShift hi label lang link list listBibl m measure
mentioned move name note num oRef oVar orgName orig pRef pVar
persName phr placeName ptr q quote ref reg restore rs s seg sic
soCalled sound space stage supplied table tag tech term text time
timeRange timeStruct title unclear val view w witDetail xptr
xref |
Declaration | <!ELEMENT writing - - (%paraContent;) >
<!ATTLIST writing %a.global
gradual (y | n | u) #IMPLIED > |
See | 11.2.7 ; 11.2.4 ; 11.2 |