<cb> (column break) marks the boundary between one column of a text and the next in a standard reference system.
ed (edition) indicates the edition or version in which the column break is located at this point
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters; usually a siglum conventionally used for the edition.
Default: #IMPLIED
	<cb ed=Riverside n=123>
n (number or name) indicates the number or other value associated with the column which follows the point of insertion of this <cb> element.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED

Encoders should adopt a clear and consistent policy as to whether the numbers associated with column breaks relate to the physical sequence number of the column in the whole text, or whether columns are numbered within the page. By convention, the <cb> element is placed at the head of the column to which it refers.


Like other forms of milestone tag, <cb> tags cannot be automatically verified by SGML; for better validation, a concurrent markup stream should be used.

Tagsetadditional tag set for common core features
Classrefsys [and indirectly also:] globincl
<!ELEMENT cb            - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST cb                 %a.analysis
          id                 ID                  #IMPLIED
          lang               IDREF               %INHERITED
          rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          ed                 CDATA               #IMPLIED
          n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED       >
See 6.9.3

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