<fvLib> (Feature-value library) assembles library of feature value elements.
type indicates type of feature-value library (i.e., what type of feature values it contains).
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Character string, e.g. symbolic values.
Default: #IMPLIED
<fvLib type='symbolic values'>
  <sym id=sfirst value=first>
  <sym id=ssecond value=second>
<!-- ... -->
  <sym id=ssing value=singular>
  <sym id=splur value=plural>
<!-- ... -->

Content defined as ((%bVal;)? & (%cVal; | ptr | join)*) in FS3.dtd.

If a <vAlt> member of an <fvLib> tag contains <fs> tags, the result is a semantic error.

Tagsetadditional tag set for feature structures
Classmetadata [and indirectly also:] globincl
Content: At most one of each of the unique feature values; and zero or more nonunique feature values, except feature structures (which should be placed in feature-structure libraries).
Childrenany dft minus msr nbr none null plus rate str sym uncertain vAlt
<!ELEMENT fvLib         - -  ((plus | minus | any | none | dft 
                             | uncertain | null | sym | nbr | 
                             msr | rate | str | vAlt)*)         >
<!ATTLIST fvLib              %a.global
          type               CDATA               #IMPLIED       >
See 16.3

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