<titlePart> (title part) contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page.
type specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
Datatype: CDATA
Legal values:
main main title of the work
sub subtitle of the work
alt alternative title of the work
desc descriptive paraphrase of the work included in title
Default: main
  <titlePart type=main>THE
  Of the FAMOUS
  Moll Flanders, &c.
  <titlePart type=desc>Who was BORN in
  And during a Life of continu'd Variety for
  Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was
  Twelve Year a <hi>Whore</hi>, five times a <hi>Wife</hi> (wherof
  once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a <hi>Thief,</hi>
  Eight Year a Transported <hi>Felon</hi> in <hi>Virginia</hi>, at last
  grew <hi>Rich</hi>, liv'd <hi>Honest</hi>, and died a <hi>Penitent</hi>.
Tagsetbase tag set for common core features
Classfmchunk, tpParts
ParentsdocTitle front titlePage
Children#PCDATA abbr add address app att bibl biblFull biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cit cl corr damage date dateRange dateStruct del distinct emph expan figure foreign formula fw geogName gi gloss handShift hi label lang link list listBibl m measure mentioned move name note num oRef oVar orgName orig pRef pVar persName phr placeName ptr q quote ref reg restore rs s seg sic soCalled sound space stage supplied table tag tech term text time timeRange timeStruct title unclear val view w witDetail xptr xref
<!ELEMENT titlePart     - O  (%paraContent;)                    >
<!ATTLIST titlePart          %a.global
          type               CDATA               main           >
See 7.5

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