<ab> (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph.
part specifies whether or not the block is complete.
Datatype: (Y | N | I | M | F)
Legal values:
Y the block is incomplete
N either the block is complete, or no claim is made as to its completeness
I the initial part of an incomplete block
M a medial part of an incomplete block
F the final part of an incomplete block
Default: N

The values I, M, or F should be used only where it is clear how the block is to be reconstituted.


The <ab> element may be used at the encoder's discretion to mark any component-level elements in a text for which no other more specific appropriate markup is defined.

Tagsetadditional tag set for common core features
Classchunk, typed [and indirectly also:] common
Content: May contain anything which may appear within a paragraph.
Parentsadd argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue equiv item metDecl note performance prologue q quote remarks set sic sp stage view
Children#PCDATA abbr add address app att bibl biblFull biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cit cl corr damage date dateRange dateStruct del distinct emph expan figure foreign formula fw geogName gi gloss handShift hi label lang link list listBibl m measure mentioned move name note num oRef oVar orgName orig pRef pVar persName phr placeName ptr q quote ref reg restore rs s seg sic soCalled sound space stage supplied table tag tech term text time timeRange timeStruct title unclear val view w witDetail xptr xref
<!ELEMENT ab            - -  (%paraContent)                     >
<!ATTLIST ab                 %a.global
          part               (Y | N | I | M | F) N              >
See 14.3

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