<anchor> (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element.
id (identifier) supplies an arbitrary name, unique within the document, used to identify the point at which this element occurs.
Datatype: ID
Values: any valid name
Default: #REQUIRED

IDs may be chosen freely; note in particular that if they include numeric values there is no requirement for these to be in sequence.

<s>The anchor is he<anchor id=A234>re somewhere.</s>
<s>Help me find it.<ptr target=A234></s>
Tagsetadditional tag set for segmentation, alignment, and linking
Classglobincl, typed
Filenamedummy teilink2.dtd
Content: empty
Parents[none] [May appear anywhere within: entry]
<!ELEMENT anchor        - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST anchor             %a.analysis
          n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
          lang               IDREF               %INHERITED
          rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          id                 ID                  #REQUIRED      >
See 11.3.2 ; 14.4

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