<joinGrp> (join group) groups a collection of <join> elements and possibly pointers.
result describes the result of the joins gathered in this collection.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: where specified on a <joinGrp> element, it supplies the default value for the result on each <join> included within the group.
Default: #IMPLIED
desc (description) a brief phrase describing the virtual elements created by the joins in this collection.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED

The desc attribute may be used to give a brief description of the virtual elements jointed in this <joinGrp> if their function and significance are not obvious.

<joinGrp result='q' targType='q' domains='zuitxt' >
  <join  targets='zuiq1 zuiq2 zuiq6'>
  <join  targets='zuiq3 zuiq4 zuiq5'>
Tagsetadditional tag set for
Classmetadata, pointerGroup [and indirectly also:] globincl, pointer
Content: Any number of joins, pointers or extended pointers.
Childrenjoin ptr xptr
<!ELEMENT joinGrp       - -  ((join | ptr | xptr)*)             >
<!ATTLIST joinGrp            %a.global
          result             CDATA               #IMPLIED
          desc               CDATA               #IMPLIED       >
See 14.7

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