The Stylebear: XSL stylesheet maker

Location of XSL stylesheets:

Name of output file:

1: Standard page features

Details of this section

departmentName of department within institution
homeLabelName of link to home page of application
homeURLProject url
homeWordsProject name
institutionInstitution or project name
parentURLInstitution link
parentWordsName of overall institution
searchURLLink to search application
feedbackURLLink for feedback
alignNavigationPanelHow to align the navigation panel at the bottom of the page
bottomNavigationPanelDisplay navigation panel at bottom of pages
htmlTitlePrefixFixed string to insert before normal page title in HTML meta <title> element
linkPanelMake a panel with next page/previous page links.

2: Layout

Details of this section

consecutiveFNsNumber footnotes consecutively
autoEndNotesMake all notes into endnotes
oddWeaveLiteWhether to make simplified display of ODD
parIndentParagraph indentation
biblioStyleStyle for formatted bibliography
DOIResolverThe initial part of a the URI of a DOI resolution service
parSkipDefault spacing between paragraphs
separatorSeparator between items in header, footer etc
treestylewhich Javascript library to use for drawing trees
filePerPageWhether we should construct a separate file for each page (based on page breaks)
viewPortWidthWhen making fixed format epub, width of viewport
viewPortHeightWhen making fixed format epub, height of viewport
footnoteBackLinkLink back from footnotes to reference
columnHeader[html] Banner for top of column
contentStructureHow to use the front/body/back matter in creating columns. The choice is between all: use <front> for left-hand column, use <body> for centre column, and use <back> for right-hand columnbody: use <body> for right-hand column, generate left-hand with a TOC or whatever
divOffsetThe difference between TEI div levels and HTML. headings. TEI <div>s are implicitly or explicitly numbered from 0 upwards; this offset is added to that number to produce an HTML <Hn> element. So a value of 2 here means that a <div1> will generate an <h2>
footnoteFileMake a separate file for footnotes
hdr[html] Header section across top of page
hdr2[html] Navigation bar
preBreadCrumbPath[html] Text or action to take at the start of the breadcrumb trail
hdr3[html] Breadcrumb trail
lh-col-bottom[html]Bottom of left-hand column ID of selected section
lh-col-top[html]Top of left-hand column
logoPicture[html] Logo
metaHTML[html] Making elements in HTML <head>The text used to create the DC.Title field in the HTML header
navbar[html] Construction of navigation bar A file is looked for relative to the stylesheet (the second parameter of the document function), which is expected to contain a TEI <list> where each <item> has an embedded <xref>
navbarFileXML resource defining a navigation bar. The XML should provide a <list> containing a series of <item> elements, each containing an <xref> link.
pageHeader[html] Banner for top of pagelayout mode
rh-col-bottom[html] Bottom of right-hand columnID of selected section
rh-col-top[html] Top of right-hand column
searchbox[html] Make a search box
singleFileLabel[html] Construct a label for the link which makes a printable version of the document.

3: Headings

Details of this section

autoHeadWhether to construct a heading for <div> elements with no <head> - by default, not.
autoMakeHead[common] How to make a heading for section if there is no <head>
headingNumberSuffixPunctuation to insert after a section number
numberSpacerCharacter to put after number of section header

4: Numbering

Details of this section

numberBackDiv[common] How to number sections in back matter
numberBackFiguresAutomatically number figures in back matter
numberBackHeadingsHow to construct heading numbering in back matter
numberBackTablesAutomatically number tables in back matter
numberBodyDiv[common] How to number sections in main matter
numberFiguresAutomatically number figures
numberFrontDiv[common] How to number sections in front matter
numberFrontFiguresAutomatically number figures in front matter
numberFrontHeadingsHow to construct heading numbering in front matter
numberFrontTablesAutomatically number tables in front matter
numberHeadingsAutomatically number sections
numberHeadingsDepthDepth to which sections should be numbered
numberTablesAutomatically number tables
prenumberedHeadingsUse value of "n" attribute to number sections
numberParagraphsAutomatically number paragraphs.

5: Output

Details of this section

outputTargetType of output being generated
REQUESTThe complete URL when the document is being delivered from a web server (normally set by Apache or Cocoon)
STDOUTWrite to standard output channel
IDAn ID passed to the stylesheet to indicate which section to display
requestedIDA wrapper around the ID, to allow for other ways of getting it
URLPREFIXA path fragment to put before all internal URLs
outputNameThe name of the output file
outputDirDirectory in which to place generated files.
outputEncodingEncoding of output file(s).
outputMethodOutput method for output file(s).
outputSuffixSuffix of output file(s).
doctypePublicPublic Doctype of output file(s).
doctypeSystemSystem Doctype of output file(s).
pageLayoutThe style of HTML (Simple or Complex) which creates the layout for generated pages. The choice is between Simple: A linear presentation is createdComplex: The page is created as a series of nested <div>s which can be arranged using CSS into a multicolumn layoutTable: The page is created as an HTML table
splitBackmatterBreak back matter into separate HTML pages (if splitting enabled).
splitFrontmatterBreak front matter into separate HTML pages (if splitting enabled).
splitLevelLevel at which to split sections. When processing a <div> or <div[0-5]>, compare the nesting depth and see whether to start a new HTML page. Since the TEI starts with <div1>, setting this parameter to 0 will cause top-level sections to be split apart. The default is not to split at all.
standardSuffixSuffix for generated output files.
topNavigationPanelDisplay navigation panel at top of pages.
urlChunkPrefixHow to specify infra-document links. When a document is split, links need to be constructed between parts of the document. The default is to use a query parameter on the URL.
useIDsConstruct links using existing ID values. It is often nice if, when making separate files, their names correspond to the ID attribute of the >div<. Alternatively, you can let the system choose names.

6: Table of contents generation

Details of this section

autoTocMake an automatic table of contents
class_subtocCSS class for second-level TOC entries
subTocDepthDepth at which to stop doing a recursive table of contents. You can have a mini table of contents at the start of each section. The default is only to construct a TOC at the top level; a value of -1 here means no subtoc at all.
tocBackInclude the back matter in the table of contents.
tocDepthDepth to which table of contents is constructed.
tocFrontInclude the front matter in the table of contents.
tocElementWhich HTML element to wrap each TOCs entry in.
tocContainerElementWhich HTML element to wrap each TOC sections in.
refDocFooterTextText to link back to from foot of ODD reference pages
refDocFooterURLURL to link back to from foot of ODD reference pages
navInterSepGap between elements in navigation list

7: Internationalization

Details of this section

copyrightStatement[html] Make a copyright claim

8: CSS

Details of this section

class_tocCSS class for TOC entries
class_ptrCSS class for links derived from <ptr>
class_refCSS class for links derived from <ref>
cssFileCSS style file to be associated with output file(s)
cssPrintFileCSS style file for print; this will be given a media=print attribute.
cssSecondaryFileSecondary CSS style file; this will be given a media=screen attribute, so that it does not affect printing. It should be used for screen layout.
cssInlineFilesCSS file to include in the output file directly

9: Tables

Details of this section

cellAlignDefault alignment of table cells
tableAlignDefault alignment of tables

10: Figures and graphics

Details of this section

graphicsPrefixDirectory specification to put before names of graphics files, unless they start with "./"
graphicsSuffixDefault file suffix for graphics files, if not directly specified
standardScaleScaling of imported graphics
headInXref[common] Whether cross-reference to a figure or table includes its caption
dpiResolution of images. This is needed to calculate HTML width and height (in pixels) from supplied dimensions.
showFiguresDisplay figures.

11: Style

Details of this section

pagebreakStyleDisplay of <pb> element. Choices are "active" or "none"; the default is to put in a display of the page break
displayModeHow to display Relax NG schema fragments (rnc or rng)
minimalCrossRefProvide minimal context for a link
postQuoteCharacter to insert at end of quote.
preQuoteCharacter to insert at start of quote
urlMarkupHTML element to put around visible text of display URLs

12: Hooks

Details of this section

sectionHeadHook[common] Hook where actions can be inserted when making a heading
attDefHook[common] Hook where actions can be inserted when processing an attDef Used in Guidelines output to create an anchor/link pilcrow.
bodyHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted just after <body>
bodyEndHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted just before the <body> ends. This can be used to add a page-wide footer block.
bodyJavascriptHook[html] Hook where Javascript calls can be inserted just after <body>
cssHook[html] Hook where extra CSS can be inserted
headHook[html] Hook where code can be added to the HTML <head>. This would be used to insert <meta> tags.
imgHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted when creating an <img>
figureHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted when processing a figure
javascriptHook[html] Hook where extra Javascript functions can be defined
preAddressHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted just before the <address>
startDivHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted at the start of processing each section
startHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted at the beginning of the main text, after the header
teiEndHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted after processing <TEI>
teiStartHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted before processing <TEI>
xrefHook[html] Hook where HTML can be inserted when creating an <a> element
egXMLStartHook[html] Hooks where HTML can be inserted when processing <egXML> element

13: Miscellaneous and advanced

Details of this section

teixslHomeThe home page for these stylesheets
teiP4CompatProcess elements according to assumptions of TEI P4
generateParagraphIDsGenerate a unique ID for all paragraphs
showTitleAuthorShow a title and author at start of document
generationCommentAdd a comment to web page showing when it was generated, stylesheet version, etc
verboseBe talkative while working.

Time to work!

Sebastian Rahtz. Date: 2020-02-13