TEI P5 version 4.0.0 and Stylesheets version 7.49.0 release notes

Release 4.0.0 is codenamed ‘Galileo’ in honor of Galileo's arrival to Rome on 13 February 1633 to face the Inquisition. We associate Galileo with decentering the earth in official western dogma of the universe. Similarly, the stand-off model in this release of the TEI Guidelines may serve to decenter our models of digital texts and expand our frames of reference. With the addition of standOff, a significant change in how characters outside of Unicode are described, and the ability of TEI to self-nest, this version is significantly different than previous versions, and thus deserves an increase in the “major” release number.

In addition to the stand-off model, this release introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the GitHub tracking system. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 4.0.0 milestone.

The following changes are particularly worth highlighting in this release:

In addition, many improvements have been made to the XSLT stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and OxGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 7.49.0 milestone.

Highlights of this release include:

Finally, we have made some significant updates to our documentation and the website:

Date: 2020-02-13
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/