temporalExpr (temporal expression) groups component elements of temporal expressions involving dates and time.
value supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string representing a temporal expression in standard format; recommended form is ``yyyy-mm-dd'', as defined by ISO 8601: 1988, Data elements and interchange formats --- Information interchange --- Representation of dates and times.
Default: #IMPLIED

The standard form used should be described in the <stdVals> element in the TEI header. Standard forms may be defined from scratch, or borrowed from existing practice.

type provides any application-, linguistic- or culture-specific classication for the component.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED
<dateStruct value='14-05-1993'>
 <day type=nominal>Friday</day>,
 <day type=numeric>14</day>
 <month type=nominal>May</month>
 <year type=nominal value='1993'>
   in the year of our Lord One Thousand
   Nine Hundred and Ninety Three
reg (regularization) gives a normalized or regularized form of the temporal expression.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED

In providing a `regularized' form, no claim is made that the form in the source text is incorrect; the regularized form is simply that chosen as the main form for purposes of unifying variant forms under a single heading.

<dateStruct value='09-06-1807'>
  <month>June</month> <day reg='9'>9th</day>
The period is approaching which will terminate my
present copartnership. On the
  <dateStruct value='01-01-1808'>
     <day reg='1'>1st</day>
     <month reg='January'>Jany.</month>
next, it expires by its own limitation.

At <time><event reg='evening'>sunset</event></time> we walked
walked to the beach.

full indicates whether the date element is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial
Datatype: (yes | abb | init)
Legal values:
yes the name component is spelled out in full.
abb the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
init the name component is indicated only by one initial.
Default: yes
Tagsetadditional tag set for names and dates
ParentsdateStruct timeStruct
MembersdateStruct day distance hour minute month occasion offset second timeStruct week year
Declaration <!ENTITY % a.temporalExpr ' %a.global value CDATA #IMPLIED type CDATA #IMPLIED reg CDATA #IMPLIED full (yes | abb | init) yes' >
See 20.4

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