
33 Element Classes

Part 7

Alphabetical Reference List of Tags and Attributes

33 Element Classes

addrPart agent analysis analysis baseStandard bibl biblPart binary boolean chunk common comp.dictionaries comp.drama comp.spoken comp.terminology comp.verse complexVal data date declarable declaring demographic dictionaries dictionaries dictionaryParts dictionaryTopLevel divbot divn divtop dramafront edit editIncl edit enjamb entries featureVal formInfo fmchunk formPointers fragmentary front global global globincl gramInfo hqinter hqphrase inter interpret linking linking lists loc metadata metrical morphInfo names notes personPart phrase phrase.verse placePart pointer pointerGroup readings refsys seg sgmlKeywords singleVal stageDirection TEIform temporalExpr terminology terminology terminologyInclusions terminologyMisc timed tpParts typed xPointer