P5 Fascicule


textLang describes the languages and writing systems used by a manuscript (as opposed to its description, which is described in the <langUsage> element)
Class tei.msItemPart
element textLang
   ## () supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the manuscript.
   attribute langKey { datatype.uri }?,
   ## () one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the manuscript.
   attribute otherLangs { datatype.uriList }?,
(In addition to global attributes and those inherited from : tei.msItemPart)
langKey supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the manuscript.
Datatype: datatype.uri
Values: a code identifying a <language> element in the header
otherLangs one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the manuscript.
Datatype: datatype.uriList
Values: a list of codes, each of which identifies a <language> element in the header
 <textLang langKey="#EN" otherLangs="#LA">
  Predominantly in English with Latin glosses</textLang>
See further 1.6.6 Languages and writing systems
Module msdescription