P5 Fascicule


layout describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques.
element layout
   ## () specifies the number of columns per page
   attribute columns { datatype.Key }?,
   ## () specifies the number of ruled lines per column
   attribute ruledLines { datatype.Key }?,
   ## () specifies the number of written lines per colum
   attribute writtenLines { datatype.Key }?,
(In addition to global attributes)
columns specifies the number of columns per page
Datatype: datatype.Key
Values: either a whole number or the string "NA" (not applicable)
ruledLines specifies the number of ruled lines per column
Datatype: datatype.Key
Values: may be given as a pair of numbers (a range), as a whole number, or as the string "NA" (not applicable)
writtenLines specifies the number of written lines per colum
Datatype: datatype.Key
Values: may be given as a pair of numbers (a range), as a whole number, or as the string "NA" (not applicable)
 <layout ruledLines="25-32">
  <p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
 <layout columns="2" ruledLines="42">
  <p>2 columns of 42 lines ruled in ink, with central rule 
   between the columns.</p>
See further 1.7.2 Writing, decoration, and other notations
Module msdescription