TEI META Task Force: Agenda for Meeting, 22-23 Mar 04 [MEW10]

Location: AFNOR, Paris, 2pm 23rd March to 5pm, 24th March.

Expected participants Alejandro Bia, Syd Bauman, Lou Burnard, Sebastian Rahtz, Laurent Romary, Christian Wittern

Day one:
Day two
Home work:
Look at examples of tagdocs, and examine the use of the <equiv> element. Is this suitable for the internationalisation? if not, what is the best place to record that material? At what stage in the processing should it be implemented?
Is the overall processing model of the TEI and the ODD language sufficently revealed?
The tension between literate programming and unnecessary wrapping of schema constructs. Is the ODD language useable for reading and writing by people who are not TEI editors?
The semantics and syntax of <equiv> . How do we use it it in practice for the ISO link? how would we maintain the correlations? do we have use cases of when it would be needed?
Documenting the ODD language. Overview of new chapters (CE, FS, MS) to check that the new ODD language is expresssive enough for known future needs
Consider the ODD philosophy again. Is the new language too dependent on RelaxNG, as the old was on DTD are we abstract enough?
Look at naming. Do we have a flexible enough system to co-exist with Docbook?
Consider how Roma can include partial documentation How to document extensions
Is the new ODD language consistent and elegant ? are the tag names, attribute names etc right? are the DTDs and Schemas actually _right_?

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