Extract from Minutes of

TEI-TRC Meeting: June 27, 1996, 2 to 6 p.m.; Bergen (Norway)

Winfried Bader

9 December 1996

Table of Contents

The committee surveyed two lists: the known public errors document (TEI ED W67) and the public suggestions for new work items document (TEI EX P01). Each suggested work item or error was classified in 5 types by the TRC for further work:

item will be fixed by the editors, unless they wish to refer the item back to the TRC; TRC charges editors to make the required changes.
item will be fixed by the core group (see below)
item will be treated by TRC if possible, or allocated to a work group (and may therefore remain untreated if the work group is not established)
we agree with the suggested solution: the editors should make the corrections proposed
no action need be taken

Classification of documents TEI ED W67 and TEI EX P01

To the Core Subcommittee

To the Character-Set Work Group

To the Header Work Group

To the Architecture Work Group

To the Dictionaries Work Group

To the Editors

To the Text-Criticism Work Group