Note on Element Classes

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

1 February 1997

TEI TC Core W03

Table of Contents

Class Memberships

The phrase-level class contains directly and indirectly the following subclasses and elements; elements marked * are not listed in the printed documentation.

The inter-level class contains the following; items marked * are not listed in P3's reference material:

The class chunk includes the following elements, all directly:

The class common contains most of the same elements and subclasses as inter:

As compared with inter, the class common adds chunk and omits I think the last three are an error and belong in common.

Standard Content Models

The following elements are declared with paraContent and no end-tag omission:

The following allow end-tag omission:

The following use paraContent with modifications:

<!ELEMENT %n.etym;       - O (%paraContent | %n.usg; | %n.lbl;
                             | %n.def; | %n.trans; |;
                             | (%m.morphInfo) |; | %n.xr;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.form;       - - (%m.formInfo | %paraContent)+ >
<!ELEMENT %n.gramGrp;    - - (%m.gramInfo | %paraContent)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.lem;        - O (%paraContent) +(%m.fragmentary) >
<!ELEMENT %n.rdg;        - O (%paraContent) +(%m.fragmentary) >
<!ELEMENT %n.trans;      - O (%paraContent | %m.dictionaryParts)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.xr;         - O (%paraContent | %n.usg; | %n.lbl;)* >

The following elements are declared with phrase.seq and no end-tag omission:

The following are also declared with phrase.seq, but do allow end-tag omission: The following elements refer to phrase.seq in their content models:
<!ELEMENT %n.byline;     - O (%phrase.seq; | %n.docAuthor;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.catDesc;    - o (%phrase.seq; | %n.textDesc;) >
<!ELEMENT %n.docImprint; - O (%phrase.seq; | %n.pubPlace;
                             | %n.docDate; | %n.publisher;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.orgName;    - - (%phrase.seq)       +(orgtitle
                                                 | orgtype
                                                 | orgdivn) >
<!ELEMENT %n.s;          - - (%phrase.seq)       -(s) >
<!ELEMENT %n.speaker;    - O (%phrase.seq)       -(speaker) >

The following also refer to phrase, though not to phrase.seq

<!ELEMENT %n.bibl;       - o (#PCDATA | %m.phrase; | %m.biblPart;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.entryFree;  - O (#PCDATA)           +(%m.dictionaryParts
                                                 | %m.phrase
                                                 | %m.inter) >
<!ELEMENT %n.persName;   - - (%m.personPart; | %m.phrase; | #PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.castItem;   - O (%n.role; | %n.roleDesc; |;
                             | (%phrase.seq))* >
<!ELEMENT %n.sense;      - - (%n.sense; | %m.dictionaryTopLevel
                             | %m.phrase | #PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT;         - O (%n.sense; | %m.dictionaryTopLevel
                             | %m.phrase | #PCDATA)*-(re) >
<!ELEMENT %n.opener;     - O (%n.signed; | %n.dateline; | %n.salute;
                             | %phrase.seq;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.closer;     - O (%n.signed; | %n.dateline; | %n.salute;
                             | %phrase.seq;)* >
<!ELEMENT %n.placeName;  - - ((%m.placePart; | %m.phrase; | #PCDATA)+) >
<!ELEMENT %n.u;          - - ((%phrase | %m.comp.spoken)+) >

The following elements are declared with specialPara: