Received: from UKACRL.BITNET by UICVM (Mailer R2.03B) with BSMTP id 5292; Wed, 28 Feb 90 12:35:58 CST Received: from RL.IB by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3051; Wed, 28 Feb 90 18:29:19 GMT Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2039; Wed, 28 Feb 90 18:29:16 GM Via: UK.AC.OX.VAX; 28 FEB 90 17:57:24 GMT Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 17:42 GMT From: TEI@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK To: U35395@UICVM From: VAX::TEI 28-FEB-1990 09:17:30.96 To: LOU CC: TEI Subj: Robin Cover 28-Feb-90 Synthesis & Revision of W16 (Cover), W18 (Ott) and comments by Peter Robinson SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL/PROBLEMS FOR TEXTUAL VARIATION AND CRITICAL APPARATUS 1. MAJOR GOALS *provide encoding for critical apparatus in critical editions (the typographic conventions) *provide model for encoding textual variation (database model) 2. MAJOR OUTSTANDING PROBLEMS *referencing system *syntax rules or SGML representation for pattern matching (specification of discontinuous sub-elements) 3. SKELETON PROPOSAL - with focus on encoding for the critical apparatus *type attribute assumes that app-crit levels are differentiated by focus on different lemmata; if not, redundant specification of lemma can be overcome by setting an app-crit-level attribute on the * has one and one or more ..... contains as-yet unsolved mechanism for referencing the locus in terms of offsets (including discontinuous segments) from an external locus; mechanism should be derivable from hardcopy version of the text optional, data on cross-referencing, etc. the content of the lemma; if not just PCDATA, needs mechanism for encoding boundaries, excluded sub-elements, etc. (typical app crits use [xxx], and ... and other conventions all other data, as structured as necessary/desirable, about the language, script, linguistic annotations, evaluation by editor .... this is the top-level normalization with the lemma each variant has... the text or content of the alternative reading, normalized to the level of the lemma each has one or more witnesses required for each witness; the witnesses may be mixed in type: a single manuscript, manuscript-family, edition, tradition (e.g., "Old Greek" or "Old Latin" for a biblical text, where the reading must be inferred from evidence not necessarily found in an edition) same problems as with optional optional, but usually desirable if different than normalized form given in all other relevant information about the , language, script, linguistic annotations, etc. optional, other annotations on the as a whole