TEI Work Groups As of 20 September 1991 Wendy Plotkin Document Number: TEI SCR16 September 24, 1991 1st Draft, September 24, 1991 1 1 TR1 CHARACTER SETS Chair: Harry Gaylord, University of Groningen E-mail: Galiard@let.rug.nl Members include: * Anders Berglund (Consulting) (European) Objectives include: * Creation and testing of Writing System Declarations for the languag- es of the EC in their modern and ancient forms, and for Slavic, Hebrew and Arabic * Evaluate and report on available transliteration schemes for other non-Latin alphabetic scripts and on ways of dealing with mixed- script texts * Consider TEI compatibility with both ISO 10646 and UNICODE proposals * Make recommendations for the encoding of IPA and of suprasegmental phonetic data. * Evaluate the utility of the ISO 646 subset for interchange and the wisdom of retaining it as part of the Guidelines, Status: Gaylord has prepared sample Writing System Declarations (WSDs) for commonly used character sets. The sample WSDs provide an initial test of the adequacy of the WSD mechanism for applications in the cur- rent state of data processing. He is currently working on WSD's for classical Greek, classical Hebrew and IPA. Gaylord has studied and begun the evaluation of the two currently competing proposals for multi-byte character sets (ISO DIS 10646 and Unicode). As reported previously, he has established contact with responsible officials at the International Organization for Standardiza- tion (ISO), who will cooperate in the work. He is hoping to attend the ISO SC2 meeting that will make the final decisions about 10646 during the week beginning 14 October. A meeting with the consultant is tentatively planned for late October or early November. 2 2 TR2 TEXT CRITICISM Chair: Peter Robinson, Oxford Text Archives E-mail: Textcrit@vax.oxford.ac.uk Members include: * Robert Kraft (North Amer.) (former Chairperson) * Robin Cover (North Amer.) * Peter Shillingsburg (North Amer.) * Ian Lancashire (North Amer.) Objectives include: * Evaluate and test existing recommendations by collating at least 10 mss and comparing the four methods proposed in P1 * Propose tags for other forms of critical apparatus e.g. editorial interventions, dubious readings and cruxes, lacunae, historical- critical commentary, glossarial notes, polyglot versions Status: Group will meet in Oak Park, Illinois on October 5-6, 1991. 3 3 TR3 HYPERTEXT AND HYPERMEDIA Chair: Steven De Rose, Electronic Book Technology E-mail: EL406011@Brownvm Members include: * Edward A. Fox (North Amer.) * Eve Wilson (European) Objectives include: * Evaluate available mechanisms for loading texts marked up according to P1 into existing hypertext systems (e.g. Hypercard, Guide). * Evaluation of P1 as means of interchanging data between existing systems * Evaluation of relevant work of ANSI X3V8 committee (Hytime) Status: Meeting held in Providence, Rhode Island on July 24, 1991. Minutes and draft working papers prepared but not received by TEI Chica- go office as of date of this report. The head had previously estab- lished contact with members of the ANSI work group on hypermedia docu- ments. 4 4 TR4 MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE AND TABLES Chair: Paul Ellison, University of Exeter E-mail: P.A.Ellison@exeter.ac.uk Members include: * Anders Berglund (European) * Dale Waldt (North Amer.) Objectives include: * Survey of existing markup schemes for tables, formulae, and figures (TeX, eqn, ISO TR 9573 , ANSI Z39.59, Formex, LaTeX...) and pro- pose alternatives compatible with P1 * Propose ways of encoding mathematical formulae descriptively, rather than for presentational purposes. * Survey and recommend methods of including graphics within documents in existing software systems Status: Meeting held January, 1991; no minutes received. Ellison is hoping to revive group imminently. 5 5 TR6 LANGUAGE CORPORA Chair: Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University E-mail: Biber@Nauvax Members include: * Gunnel Engwall (European) * Jeremy Clear (European) Objectives include: * Make recommendations for text classification e.g. according to text type, subject, socio-linguistic stratum, etc., and report on exist- ing text-classification schemes, * Survey major existing annotation schemes for corpora and report on possibility of harmonizing them Status: Group met in Stockholm, Sweden on August 31 - September 1, 1991, attended also by Stig Johansson, Lou Burnard, Merja Kyto and Mar- gareta Ö.stman. The group developed a definition of key concepts such as corpus and text type, and proposed changes in P1's corpora tags and organization. Douglas Biber agreed to draft the work group's report by September 30th for electronic distribution and discussion, after receiving examples of corpus organizations from other work group mem- bers, with the mandate to relate the work of this group to other TEI groups, specifically AI2. 6 6 TR8 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF PRINTED BOOKS Chair: John Barnard, University of Leeds E-mail: eng5jmb@leeds.ac.uk Members include: * Jonquil Bevan (European) Objectives include: * Propose tagnames for the physical features of printed textual media of primary importance in analytic bibliography * Report on possibility of encoding descriptions of such features for interchange Status: Status unknown (Info request sent 9/20/91-wp) 7 7 TR9 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS Chair: Jacqueline Hamesse, University of Louvain la Neuve E-mail: Fax No. 011 (32) 16 474819 -- more reliable than E-Mail. Members include: * Claus Huitfeldt (European) * Elli Mylonas (North American) Objectives include: * Propose tagnames for the physical features of primary importance in the description of manuscripts, codices and similar materials. * Report on possibility of encoding descriptions of such features for interchange Status: Meeting tentatively scheduled for October 26-27, 1991 in Brus- sels. (Three unsuccessful attempts to request info. via Fax on Sept.20-21.) 8 8 TR10 VERSE Chair: David Robey, University of Manchester E-mail: Robey@vax.oxford.ac.uk Members include: * David Chisholm (European) * Willard McCarty (North Amer.) * Elaine Brennan (North Amer.) Objectives, revised by Robey, include: * Consider what general features of verse literature of all kinds can usefully be encoded for purposes of computer analysis, paying spe- cial, but not exclusive, attention to features that are peculiar to verse. * Features discussed should include the following categories: - aspects of verse structure: metre, rhyme and other forms of sound repetition, features of layout peculiar to verse; - linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical structures--i.e. features that can be expressed in linguistic terms; - structures of content, including narrative structures; - other features not specific to poetry, but of interest to schol- ars: e.g. names, allusions. * Discuss and recommend mark-up systems for the above, both within the body of the text and in front of it. Distinguish between essential and optional mark-up. Discuss and list features for which a tagging system (either essential or optional) should be recommended, and features for which the tagging terminology would be left to the individual encoder. * Pay special attention to the issue of the appropriate use or bound- aries of mark-up. Consider alternatives to mark-up: e.g. software with algorithms for identifying sound-repetitions, etc.; phonetic transcriptions; other types of meta-text. * Draft modifications to the current draft Guidelines showing how existing tags may be appropriately used to encode features listed under (2) (or a representative subset of them). * Draft additional sections for the Guidelines defining whatever addi- tional tags and attributes are necessary for the encoding of such features, wherever tags defined in the current draft do not suffice. * Liaise closely with other workgroups working in related areas, nota- bly TR11 (performance texts), TR12 (prose), and AI2 (spoken texts), also TR2 (Text Criticism), TR8 (Printed Books), and TR9 (Manu- scripts). * As agreed with Susan Hockey, an interim, not a final, will be pro- duced by the group by 8 November, in time for the Norway meeting on 15-18 November. The final date for input to version 2 of the TEI Guidelines is 30 November, and the final date for the 3rd and final version is 15 March 1992. We shall obviously have to put our recom- mendations in their final form by this last date; how much we can do by the end of November, let alone by the 8th, remains to be seen, but we must at least be well into our work by then. Status: Objectives revised and meeting scheduled for September 27-28 in Oxford. [See above objectives for anticipated TEI deadlines.] 9 9 TR11 PERFORMANCE TEXTS Chair: Elli Mylonas, Project Perseus, Harvard University E-mail: Elli@Harvunxw Members include: * John Lavagnino (North Amer.) * Rosanne Potter (North Amer.) Objectives include: * Reformulate this list of objectives. * Summarize and report on the structural and formal features most essential to the encoding of performance texts of all kinds. Fea- tures discussed should include but need not be limited to formal aspects such as speech, song and stage directions and the relation between the written transcript and stage performance. * Consider and report on a representative range of purely interpretive characteristics such as metaphor, rhetorical tropes etc. which have been found to be of general usefulness in the literature. * Consider and report on ways of representing narrative structures within performed texts * Draft modifications to the current draft Guidelines showing how existing tags may be appropriately used to encode such features (or a representative subset of them). * Draft additional sections for the Guidelines defining whatever addi- tional tags and attributes are necessary for the encoding of such features, wherever tags defined in the current draft do not suffice. * Liaise closely with other workgroups working in related areas, nota- bly TR10 (verse), TR12 (prose) and AI2 (spoken texts). Status: (Request for info. sent 9/20/91) 10 10 TR12 LITERARY PROSE Chair: Tom Corns, University of Wales E-mail: ELS009@Vaxa.Bangor.AC.UK Members include: * Christian Delcourt (European) * Paul Fortier (North Amer.) * Donald Ross (North Amer.) (Not confirmed) Objectives include: * Reformulate this list of objectives. * Summarize and report on the structural and formal features most use- ful for the encoding of literary prose of all kinds. Features dis- cussed should include but need not be limited to formal aspects such as genre identification and structure. * Consider and report on a representative range of purely interpretive characteristics such as metaphor, rhetorical tropes etc. which have been found of general usefulness in the literature. * Consider and report on ways of identifying narrative structures within prose texts * Draft modifications to the current draft Guidelines showing how existing tags may be appropriately used to encode such features (or a representative subset of them). * Draft additional sections for the Guidelines defining whatever addi- tional tags and attributes are necessary for the encoding of such features, wherever tags defined in the current draft do not suffice. * Liaise closely with other workgroups working in related areas, nota- bly TR10 (verse) and TR11 (performance texts). Status: Tom Corns has circulated a discussion paper to help define agenda of meeting to be held in late October or early November in Liege or Oxford, depending on members' availability. This paper will be dis- tributed as TR12 W2. 11 11 AI1 GENERAL LINGUISTICS Chair: Terry Langendoen, University of Arizona E-mail: Langendt@Arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu Members include: * Stephen Anderson (North Amer.) * Nicoletta Calzolari (European) * Mitch Marcus (North Amer.) * Geoffrey Sampson (European) * Gary Simons (North Amer.) Objectives include: * Build on and extend the general purpose analytic tools proposed in P1 * Propose ways of unifying linguistic description, specifically for part-of-speech and morphological tagging, by means of the feature- structure formalism Status: In a major alteration of P1's Chapter 6, the group restructured its proposed linguistic features tagging system to achieve improved readability of the marked-up text. The major changes include the encod- ing of features (as defined in AI1W2) as attributes rather than tags, and an extensive use of entities. The new system is described in AI1W9 (based on the presentation of the new structure at the Oxford and Provi- dence workshops), to be announced very soon. 12 12 AI2 SPOKEN TEXTS Chair: Stig Johansson, University of Oslo E-mail: stig.Johansson@use.uio.no Members include: * Jane Edwards (North Amer.) * And Rosta (European) Objectives include: * Survey existing practice in encoding transcribed speech * Propose ways of encoding transcribed speech for interchange purposes in line with the recommendations of P1 Status: Meeting held on August 9-10, 1991 in Oslo. Members reviewed the draft working paper, AI2W1, in which Stig Johansson had recommended a universe of spoken texts and a set of tags to be included in the revised P1. Further revisions and collection of examples were recom- mended. An additional meeting was authorized and scheduled for Septem- ber 28 in Oxford to prepare the final version of the working paper. 13 13 AI3 LITERARY STUDIES Chair: Paul Fortier, University of Manitoba E-mail: Fortier@UOFMCC Members include: * Christian Delcourt (European) * Ian Lancashire (North Amer.) * Roseanne Potter (North Amer.) * David Robey (European) Objectives include: * Define text types of interest to literary scholars and identify tex- tual features of importance in analysis of e.g. narrative structure, thematics, metrics, stylistics, literary influence, authorship attribution, reader response theory * Evaluate usefulness of P1 in this context and propose work groups to extend its coverage Status: After meeting in April, conducting a survey of literary schol- ars, and publishing a critique of P1 based on the members' deliberations and the survey results, the group recommended that smaller, more focused groups be established to deal with verse, performance texts, and liter- ary prose. These have been established, and work has begun, as described above under TR10, TR11 and TR12. Meanwhile, AI3 is dormant, with its members serving on both old and new working groups (TR2, TR10, TR11 and TR12). 14 14 AI4 HISTORICAL STUDIES Chair: Daniel Greenstein, University of Glasgow E-mail: Digger@Sun1.Arts.Glasgow.AC.UK Members include: * Caroline Broulet (European) * Peter Denley (European) * Ingo Kropac (European) * Hans Joergen Marker (European) * Jan Oldervoll (European) * Donald Spaeth (European) * Manfred Thaller (European) Objectives include: * Propose lists of source types of particular interest to historians and propose tags for their characteristic features Status: After holding an initial meeting in April, 1991, this group published a volume entitled "Modelling Historical Data" through the Max- Planck-Institute fuEr Geschichte in Gottingen. This collection of essays outlined the major general theoretical issues (and debates) asso- ciated with encoding of historical texts, and also described in detail the structures of specific document types, such as charters, parish reg- isters, court records. Although in some cases, these descriptions included tag recommendations, the group has left it to successor histor- ical work groups to propose tags. The volume served as the basis for a key session at the 6th Annual Conference of the Association for History and Computing, in which Lou Burnard participated both as TEI representative and author of two arti- cles in the volume concerning SGML and TEI. TEI needs to decide whether to publish the second edition of the vol- ume under its own auspices, a suggestion made by both Greenstein and Thaller. 15 15 AI5 MACHINE-READABLE DICTIONARIES Chair: Robert Amsler, Mitre Corporation E-mail: amsler@starbase.mitre.org Members include: * Nicoletta Calzolari (European) * Nancy Ide (North Amer.) * Frank Tompa (North Amer.) * Carol Van Ess-Dykema (North Amer.) * Susan Warwick-Armstrong (European) * John Fought (North Amer.) Objectives include: * propose general purpose tagset for existing printed monolingual and multilingual dictionaries. * propose tags also for early modern dictionaries ; etymological and historical dictionaries; special purpose dictionaries Status: Meeting held March, 1991; minutes received. Group agreed to concentrate on defining a required set of base tags and a recommended set of grouping tags, and to prepare a DTD. Second informal meeting was held in September; third meeting scheduled for October, 1991 at Oxford, to review preliminary draft of dictionary section and to receive reac- tions of invited lexicographers and publishing house representatives to the draft. A preliminary set of tags will be defined by 1 June 1992 for both mono- and bilingual dictionaries. 16 16 AI6 COMPUTATIONAL LEXICA Chair: Robert Ingria, BBN E-mail: Ingria@BBN.Com Members include: * Nicoletta Calzolari (European) * James Pustejovsky (North Amer.) * Susan Warwick-Armstrong (European) Objectives include: * Report on usage and structure of existing machine-readable lexica and propose tags or dtds for use in their interchange Status: Meeting held in Berkeley in June, 1991, at which members under- took a thorough review of existing computational lexicon projects, and developed a list of sites and systems to be surveyed. The survey results will be the basis of a report explaining and justifying the lex- ical information structures to be recommended by the committee. These results will be presented to the Steering Committee in Oxford. A first draft of standards will be produced by early November, to serve as the basis for an additional AI6 meeting in Europe. A revised draft of the standards will be prepared in December. 17 17 AI7 TERMINOLOGICAL DATABASES Chair: Alan Melby, Brigham Young University E-mail: Fax: (801) 377-3704 (More reliable than E-Mail.) Members include: * Gerhard Budin (European) * Richard Strehlow (North Amer.) * Sue Ellen Wright (North Amer.) * Gregory Shreve, (North Amer.) [Alternate member, attending November Vienna meeting in Strehlow's place; attendance at other meetings is unfunded.] Objectives include: * Report on structure of existing terminological databases and propose tags or dtds for use in their interchange * Liaise closely with other groups, e.g. INFOTERM, active in this area Status: Meetings held in Cleveland on June 12, 1991 and in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on August 13-14, with a third meeting authorized in Vienna, Austria on November 15-16, in conjunction with ISO Technical Committee 37 on Terminology, Subcommittee 3 meeting. The group conducted a survey of existing terminological data base systems, and proposed a preliminary set of tags and a draft DTD for a TEI system. These will be reviewed and polished prior to Vienna ISO meeting, for presentation to Subcommittee 3 as an interchange format based on ISO 8879 (SGML). This would be introduced as a parallel option to the existing MATER standard--ISO 6156--to meet needs unaddressed by the MATER standard. 1st Draft, September 24, 1991