Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.07) id 3025; Sat, 30 Jun 90 16:08:39 CDT Date: Sat, 30 Jun 90 17:08:26 -0400 Reply-To: Text Encoding Initiative Steering Committee List , Don Walker Sender: Text Encoding Initiative Steering Committee List From: Don Walker Subject: Tentative Agenda for Oxford Meeting X-To: To: "C. M. Sperberg-McQueen" Susan and I worked out the basic structure earlier this week, and Michael contributed from his discussions with Lou in Siegen. Please respond with additions or suggestions for modifications. Some items occur under several headings. Although I spent some time trying to order the items, they are so intertwined, no sequence would actually be ideal. Susan and I considered the possibility of inviting Dominik to join us on Saturday, but I now believe we will not have the time, since that would result in our focusing too much on one of the least problematic areas. If you don't have time to respond before arriving in Oxford, please bring your reactions with you. However, we should not spend two days trying to get the agenda in order! Don Text Encoding Initiative Steering Committee Meeting 6-7 July 1990, Oxford, England TENTATIVE AGENDA 1. Report a. Review contents of June distribution b. Revisions proposed for July release Examples, tagsets, DTDs, charactersets Responses from June distribution Relative page numbering within sections to facilitate selective updating? c. Distribution list for July d. Executive Summary e. Establish comments log for responses 2. Publicity a. News releases Contents; schedules; distribution b. Conference papers and talks c. Journal articles? d. Tutorials and briefings Standardize on visuals and syllabus materials e. Working Paper releases 3. Usability Issues a. User's Manuals / Tutorial Guides / Notes for Implementers b. Example applications from raw data through software tools to SGMLized files with illustrations of processing capabilities c. Get software developers involved Get reactions and evaluations Get them to incorporate our guidelines in their products 4. Tutorials a. Feedback from Siegen and Pittsburgh tutorials b. Fall tutorials in Europe and North America Participants: Committee members, Affiliated Projects, Advisory Board, TEI-L members, who else? 3 days: 1 introduction; 2 software experience; 3 working on personal data Need terminal facilities; get software loans Dates and locations: Chicago & Oxford? adjacent to other meetings? How should participants' expenses be handled? c. Future tutorials? 5. Scope of Final Report a. Conservative approach: make first draft coherent b. Expansive approach: extend to other areas Appeal to known constituencies: Advisory Board member organizations Coopt existing activities: Affiliated Projects 6. Committees a. Restructure in relation to scope of Final Report Motivate from Steering Committee? Committee Heads? b. Decentralize TR and AI Committees TR: critical editions, new character sets, papyri AI: literary: classic, medieval, modern; history c. Committee Heads Johansson: problems with time and with lack of payment from Pisa Barnard: problems with time, but grant commitment may force continuation d. Subcommittee Heads Topics and names of people e. Establish schedules for deliverables for Committees and Subcommittees f. Encourage more communication among committee members g. How establish productive working groups? 7. Administrative Support a. Full time commitment from Michael b. More time from Lou c. Additional staff members? Levels of competence needed? Assignments: record feedback from report; develop DTDs; create examples 8. Software Support a. Relate report contents to existing software b. Acquire and experiment with existing software c. Motivate development of new software d. Incorporate software recommendations and specifications into Final Report e. Establish formal relations with software suppliers 9. Affiliated Projects a. Establish effective communication channels b. Facilitate use of software c. Incorporate results into interim and Final Reports d. Coopt results of their work as TEI working papers 9. Financial Issues a. Problems with Pisa payments b. Redirection of funds Support subcommittee rather than committee meetings, at least for TR and A&I Hire staff and clerical support people c. Industry solicitation Encourage participation as well as contributions Provide tutorials, multiple documentation? 10. Schedule a. September 90: Committee and Subcommittee Plans b. September/October 90: Workshops c. November 90: Comments on First Report due d. January 91: Response to comments due d. March 91: Feedback on experience with Guidelines e. June/July 91: New version of Report? f. January 92: Final comments on distributed materials g. March 92: Draft of Final Report h. June 92: Distribution/Publishing of Final Report 11. Publication and Distribution of Final Report a. Commercial publisher: Kluwer, Oxford University Press? b. Electronic distribution 12. Future Steering Committee Meetings a. September 90: with Committee and Subcommittee Heads? b. December 90 c. March 91 (ALLC/ACH Tempe) d. June 91 (ACL Berkeley)