
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation

Part 8

Reference Material

38 Sample Tag Set Documentation

38.1 Tag Documentation for the TEI P Element

This example shows the documentation for the element <p> . Since this element has no attributes other than global attributes, its <attList> element is empty. For a formatted, printed version of this information, see the alphabetical reference section.

<tagDoc id=p usage=req>
<desc>marks paragraphs in prose.</desc>
<exemplum><eg><![ CDATA [
<p>Hallgerd was outside.  <q>There is blood on your
axe,</q> she said.  <q>What have you done?</q></p>
<p><q>I have now arranged that you can be married a
second time,</q> replied Thjostolf.</p>
<p><q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q>
she said.</p>
<p><q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf.  <q>And now you must
think up some plan for me.</q>
<remarks><p>In some contexts, the paragraph may have a specialized
meaning, e.g. in the tag set for dictionaries, <gi>p</gi> is used to
enclose any running text, and thus does not imply text set off as is
conventionally done in running prose.
<part type='top' name='core'>additional tag set for common core
<classes names='chunk'>chunk [and indirectly also:] common</classes>
<files names='teicore2'>
<datadesc>May contain character data and phrase-level elements.
<parents>add argument availability body broadcast castList corr
correction div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 editionStmt
editorialDecl encodingDesc epigraph epilogue equipment equiv exemplum
figure hyphenation interpretation item langUsage metDecl
normalization note particDesc particLinks performance person
personGrp projectDesc prologue publicationStmt q quotation quote
recording recordingStmt refsDecl remarks samplingDecl scriptStmt
segmentation seriesStmt set setting settingDesc sic sourceDesc sp
stage stdVals view</parents>
<children>#PCDATA abbr add address anchor att bibl biblFull
biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cit cl corr date
dateRange dateStruct del distinct emph expan figure foreign formula
gap gi gloss handShift hi label lang link list listBibl m measure
mentioned move name note num orig oRef oVar phr ptr pRef pVar q quote
ref reg rs s seg sic sound soCalled stage table tag tech term text
time timeRange timeStruct title val view w xptr xref</children>
<![ CDATA [
<!ELEMENT p             - O  (%paraContent;)                    >
<![ CDATA [
<!ATTLIST p                                  >

<ptr type=div2 target=COpa>
<ptr type=div2 target=DRpal>

38.2 Tag Documentation for the TEI HI Element

The <hi> element, shown below, offers an example of attribute definition. Since the attribute definition in question overrides a definition inherited from the global class, no reference is made to the entity . Instead, the other global attributes are all redefined.

<tagdoc usage=opt id="hi"><gi>hi</gi>
<desc>marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the
surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. </desc>
<!-- ................................................... rend -->
<attDef usage=rec>
<desc>describes the rendition or presentation of the word or phrase
<valdesc>a set of keywords from some suitable vocabulary; no systematic
recommendations for such a vocabulary are made by these Guidelines.
<eg><![ CDATA [

<remarks><p>The <att>rend</att> attribute, though optional in general,
is recommended on the <gi>hi</gi> element.
<exemplum><eg><![ CDATA [
<hi rend=gothic>And this Indenture further witnesseth</hi>
that the said <hi rend=italic>Walter Shandy</hi>, merchant,
in consideration of the said intended marriage ...
<part type='aux' name='hdr'>auxiliary tag set for TEI headers</part>
<classes names='hqphrase'>hqphrase [and indirectly also:]
<files names='teicore2'>
<datadesc>free prose</datadesc>
<parents>abbr activity actor add addrLine addName admin affiliation
author authority bibl biblScope birth bloc byline camera caption case
castItem catDesc cell channel cl classCode closer colloc constitution
corr country creation damage dataDesc date dateRange def del
derivation desc descrip distance distinct distributor docAuthor
docDate docEdition docImprint domain edition editor education emph
equiv etym expan extent factuality figDesc firstLang foreign forename
form fsDescr funder fw fDescr gen genName gloss gram gramGrp head
headItem headLabel hi hyph imprimatur interaction item itype l label
lang language langKnown lbl lem locale measure meeting mentioned mood
name nameLink note num number occasion occupation opener orgdivn
orgtitle orgtype orgName orig orth otherForm p per persName phr
placeName pos preparedness principal pron publisher pubPlace purpose
q quote rdg re ref reg region rendition residence resp restore role
roleDesc roleName rs s salute seg sense set settlement sic signed
socecStatus sound soCalled speaker sponsor stage street stress subc
supplied surname syll symbol tagUsage tech term time timeRange title
titlePart tns tr trailer trans u unclear usg valDesc view wit witness
witDetail writing xr xref</parents>
<children>#PCDATA abbr add address anchor att bibl biblFull
biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cit cl corr date
dateRange dateStruct del distinct emph expan figure foreign formula
gap gi gloss handShift hi label lang link list listBibl m measure
mentioned move name note num orig oRef oVar phr ptr pRef pVar q quote
ref reg rs s seg sic sound soCalled stage table tag tech term text
time timeRange timeStruct title val view w xptr xref</children>
<![ CDATA [
<!ELEMENT hi            - -  (%paraContent;)                    >
<![ CDATA [
<!ATTLIST hi                 %a.fs
          id                 ID                  #IMPLIED
          n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
          lang               IDREF               %INHERITED

          rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED       >

<ptr target=COhqhe>
<ptr target=COhqh>

38.3 Tag Documentation for the TEI Div Element

The example below shows the documentation for the <div> element; this element is a member of the class divn , the documentation for which is shown further below.

<tagdoc usage=rwa id="div"><gi>div</gi>
<rs>text division</rs>
<desc>contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a
<exemplum><eg><![ CDATA [
<div type=part><head>Fallacies of Authority</head>
<epigraph>The subject of which is Authority in
various shapes, and the object, to repress all
exercise of the reasoning faculty.</epigraph>
  <div type=chapter n=1><head>The Nature of Authority</head>
  <p>With reference to any proposed measures
  having for their object the greatest happiness
  of the greatest number....
     <div type=section n='1.1'><head>Analysis of Authority
      <p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate
      weight or influence to be attached to authority
      <!-- ... -->
     <div type=section n='1.2'><head>Appeal to Authority,
        in What Cases Fallacious.
      <p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of
      fallacy when...
      <!-- ... -->
     <!-- other sections here -->
   <div type=chapter n=2>
   <!-- other chapters here -->
<!-- other parts here -->
]]><!-- J Bentham: Handbook of Political Fallacies (1824), ed -->
<!-- Larrabee, Johns Hopkins Pr, 1952 -->
<part type='base' name='core'>base tag set for common core
<classes names='divn decling'>declaring, divn</classes>
<files names='teistr2'>
<datadesc>any sequence of low-level structural elements, possibly grouped
into lower subdivisions.</datadesc>
<parents>back body div front</parents>
<children>argument bibl biblFull biblStruct byline camera caption
castList cit closer div docAuthor docDate entry entryFree epigraph
event eTree graph head kinesic l label lg lg1 list listBibl move note
opener p pause q quote salute shift signed sound sp stage superentry
tech termEntry trailer tree u view vocal writing</children>
<![ CDATA [
<!ELEMENT div           - O  ((%m.divtop;)*, (div+ |
                             ((%component;)+, div*)),
                             (%m.divbot;)*)                     >
<![ CDATA [
<!ATTLIST div      
                             %a.divn                            >

<ptr target=DSdiv>
<ptr target=tedt><ptr target=dsdiv1>

38.4 Class Documentation for the TEI Divn Class

The example below shows the documentation for the class divn , which is referred to by the documentation for <div> shown above. The class documentation in the alphabetical reference section of this document uses a slightly extended tag set which provides for information about elements within which members of the class may appear, members of the class, and the actual declaration of the parameter entities by which properties of the class are expressed.

<classDoc id=divn type=atts>
<desc>structural elements which behave in the same way as divisions.
<attDef usage=rec>
<desc>specifies a name conventionally used
for this level of subdivision, e.g. <q>act</q>,
<q>volume</q>, <q>book</q>, <q>section</q>, <q>canto</q>, etc.</desc>
<valdesc>any string of characters</valdesc>
<attdef usage=opt><attname>org
<desc>specifies how the content of the division is organized.
<datatype>(composite | uniform)
<vallist type=closed>
<val>composite<desc>composite content: i.e. no claim is
made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this
division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.</desc>
<val>uniform<desc>uniform content: i.e. the immediate contents
of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit,
to be processed in sequence.</desc>
<desc>indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source
and if so, from which part.
<datatype>(initial | medial | final | unknown | complete)
<vallist type=closed>
<val>initial<desc>division lacks material present at end in
<val>medial<desc>division lacks material at start and end.</desc>
<val>final<desc>division lacks material at start.</desc>
<val>unknown<desc>position of sampled material within original
<val>complete<desc>division is not a sample.</desc>
<attdef usage=mwa><attname>part</attname>
<desc>specifies whether or not the division is fragmented by some other
structural element, for example a speech which is divided between two
or more verse stanzas.
<datatype>(Y | N | I | M | F)
<vallist type=closed>
<val>Y<desc>the division is incomplete in some respect</desc>
<val>N<desc>either the division is complete, or no claim is made as to
its completeness.</desc>
<val>I<desc>the initial part of an incomplete division</desc>
<val>M<desc>a medial part of an incomplete division</desc>
<val>F<desc>the final part of an incomplete division</desc>
<remarks><p>The values I, M, or F should be used only where it is
clear how the division is to be reconstituted.
<part type='base' name='core'>base tag set for common core
<classes names=''></classes>
<files names='teiclas2.ent'>
<ptr target=DS>
