
This version of the TEI Guidelines was produced at the Humanities Computing Unit at Oxford University, using the original ODD document management system designed by C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard to generate both the SGML DTD fragments and SGML source files for the documentation.

The HTML version was produced by Lou Burnard, using a Perl script and David Megginson's SGMLpm library.

The typeset version was produced by Sebastian Rahtz using LaTeX. The SGML source was translated to LaTeX with a Perl script using David Megginson's SGMLpm library, and run with a special class file. Han The Thanh's pdfTeX was used to create PDF directly from the LaTeX source; the hyper linking and Acrobat bookmarks were managed by Sebastian Rahtz's hyperref LaTeX package.

The text of the colophon of the original edition follows, for its archaeological interest.

The text of this manual was prepared electronically on a variety of systems. Most sections were originally drafted by members of the work groups and working committees of the TEI; all have been revised by the editors to achieve greater uniformity of style and greater consistency in the tag set.

SGML tags from a preliminary version of the tag set documented here were introduced in the text by the original drafters of the sections or by the editors, using standard text editors on VMS, VM/CMS, PC-DOS, and Apple Macintosh systems. The resulting SGML document fragments were validated using VM2 (a markup validator distributed with the public-domain ARCSGML materials), sgmls (a parser built on the same engine), Markit, Checkmark, XGML Validator, and/or Author/Editor. The validated files, which contained both the prose description of the tag set and the reference materials, were then processed with ad hoc programs written in Spitbol to produce separate SGML documents for the prose, the reference section, and the DTDs; these SGML documents were then further translated by simple programs in Rexx and Spitbol into either LaTeX or Waterloo GML for formatting and printing.

The camera ready copy of this document was produced by Waterloo Script GML, version 89.1, running on the IBM 3090 at the University of Illinois at Chicago Academic Computer Center (to which thanks), and using a set of macros extending the GML Starter Set of tags with specialized tags designed for this document.
