Procedures for Correcting Errors in the TEI Guidelines

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Lou Burnard

Document No. TEI ED W57

Version of July 23, 1994 (Revised July 27, 1994)


Status: This document has been agreed by the editors of the TEI and reflects current editorial policy.

Table of Contents

When errors are found in the TEI Guidelines, they should be fixed, if possible, or recorded so they can later be referred to appropriate work groups for fixing. This document records the current editorial policy on the correction of obvious errors in the TEI Guidelines. It defines the class of corrigible errors, and prescribes simple document types for reports of DTD fixes, typographic errors, and problems needing further work.

1 Policy

The editorial policy on correction of errors in the Guidelines is as follows:

1. On detection of a corrigible DTD problem, the editor who finds it should:

and optionally

2. On detection of a corrigible typo or other problem in the prose, the editor who finds it should:

3. At periodic intervals, the editors will:

4. Filing a fixrept and typorept involves

5. Errors are corrigible if and only if:

Other errors are not corrigible and must be referred to TC for action, using the problem-report ('winita') DTD.

In general, the requirement for backward compatibility means that the document grammar, after a fix, must accept a superset of the documents it accepted before the fix. In rare cases, however, a fix may be allowed to reduce the set of documents accepted by the document grammar, if it can reasonably be argued that no actual documents can possibly be affected.

6. Fixes must be applied only with the consent of both editors. Consent is held to be given if the fix is not vetoed within 72 hours after a fix report or typo report is filed.

2 Document Types for Problem Reports

This section describes specialized SGML document types for use in reporting errors in the TEI DTDs, typographic errors in the text of TEI P3, and problems in need of further work. Elements and parameter entities not defined here have the same meanings as in TEI P3. It is expected that in practice these DTD fragments will be used as extensions to the `TEI Lite' subset defined in document TEI U5.

2.1 Fix Reports

Reports of DTD fixes take the form:

    <!ELEMENT fixrept       - -  (problem, cause, fix, files)   >
    <!ATTLIST fixrept
              id                 ID                  #REQUIRED
              n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
              lang               IDREF               #IMPLIED
              rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED   >
    <!ELEMENT problem       - -  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST problem                        >
    <!ELEMENT cause         - -  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST cause                          >
    <!ELEMENT fix           - -  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST fix                            >
    <!ELEMENT files         - -  (dtd?, odd?)                   >
    <!ATTLIST files                          >
    <!ELEMENT dtd           - -  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST dtd                            >
    <!ELEMENT odd           - -  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST odd                            >

2.2 Typo Reports

Reports of typographic errors take the form:

    <!ELEMENT typorept      - -  (xref, app)                    >
    <!ATTLIST typorept
              id                 ID                  #REQUIRED
              n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
              lang               IDREF               #IMPLIED
              rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED   >
where xref and app are as defined in P3, except that the FROM attribute on the xref is required, and the only legal witnesses are 'sic' and 'corr' (alternate proposal: 'P3' and 'fix').

2.3 Work-Is-Needed Reports

Reports of problems requiring further work use the 'winita' (or "work is needed in this area") document type:

    <!ELEMENT winita        - O  (head, xref+, desc, problem?,
                             discussion?, recommendation?)  >
    <!ATTLIST winita
              id                 ID                  #REQUIRED
              n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
              lang               IDREF               #IMPLIED
              rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED   >
    <!ELEMENT problem       - O  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST problem                        >
    <!ELEMENT discussion    - O  (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST discussion                      >
    <!ELEMENT recommendation - O (%specialPara)                 >
    <!ATTLIST recommendation                      >