From LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UIC.EDU Wed Sep 1 17:42:48 1999 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 11:21:21 -0500 From: "L-Soft list server at University of Illinois at Chicago (1.8c)" To: Lou Burnard Subject: File: "EDJ9 MEMO" Obtaining Paper Copies of the Second Version of the TEI Guidelines (TEI P2) C. M. Sperberg-McQueen & Lou Burnard, TEI Editors Text Encoding Initiative University of Illinois at Chicago Computer Center (M/C 135) 1940 W. Taylor St. Chicago, Illinois 60612-7352 U.S. +1 (312) 413-0317 Fax: +1 (312) 996-6834 Oxford University Computing Service 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX1 6NN, ENGLAND +44 (865) 273238, 273200 Fax: +44 (865) 273275 Document Number: TEI ED J9 10 June 1992 Version 5, November 18, 1992 Version 2 of the Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of ______________________________________________ Machine-Readable Texts (TEI P2) will be made available in paper form for ______________________ those who do not have access to electronic mail. Rather than issuing TEI P2 as a complete, comprehensive, single vol- ume work, the TEI will publish each section of TEI P2 as soon as it has been approved by the drafting committee and the editors. A complete description of the sections is included in the TEI document, "Note on the Structure and Contents of TEI P2" (TEI ED J6) and in Appendix A, below. This serial mode of publication has the major benefit of simplifying the review of the Guidelines for the reader. Not everyone has the time or inclination to comment on a volume the size of TEI P1 when it lands on the desk all of a piece, while individual chapters on specific topics can perhaps be more readily and speedily considered. We hope that this means the quality and quantity of public comment will increase: you can help by commenting yourself or by making sure that other interested per- sons in your organization are made aware of the drafts as they come. Thank you for your interest -- we look forward to incorporating the suggestions you make in a future version of the Guidelines. 1 CONTENTS OF EACH FASCICLE Each TEI P2 part will include a full table of contents for the whole draft, indicating the current status of each part. This is so that, whichever part you receive, you will be able to tell both where it belongs in the whole work and which other parts are available to date. Each part will also be accompanied by a 'user response form' for com- ment, but comments are of course welcome in whatever format is most con- venient. 2 OBTAINING PAPER COPIES OF TEI P2 FROM CHICAGO AND OXFORD We will be maintaining mailing lists in Chicago and Oxford. (For information on obtaining paper copies of TEI P2 in Asia, see below). Chicago The Chicago office will mail copies to North, Central and South Amer- ica; at this time, there is no charge for this service. As we will be unable to contact each person individually as each section, or fascicle, becomes available, we would ask you to circle on the attached "North/ Central/South American Subscription Request for TEI P2 (Paper)" (Appen- dix A) those sections you are interested in receiving, and return it to us at the address given on the form. Oxford The Oxford office will mail copies to Europe and elsewere. It will be necessary for the Oxford TEI office to make a small charge to cover the cost of copying and mailing out these drafts to recipients on the European continent. The charge is 50 pounds to cover all printing and mailing costs, and will include a free copy of TEI P3 when it is avail- able at the end of this year or early next year. Please complete the attached "European Subscription Form" (Appendix B) and send to the address shown on the form with your enclosed check or postal draft. 3 ASIAN DISTRIBUTION OF TEI P2 Persons in Asia or the western Pacific Rim may find it more conven- ient to request fascicles of TEI P2 from Prof. Syun Tutiya of Chiba Uni- versity, who is taking responsibility for East Asian distribution of TEI materials on behalf of the TEI Japan Committee (an independent organiza- tion with the goal of ensuring that East Asian needs, particularly but not exclusively character-set related, are met by the TEI Guidelines). Prof. Tutiya's address is: or by regular post: Syun Tutiya Department of Philosophy Faculty of Letters Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho Inage Chiba Chiba 263 [n.b. Include "Chiba" twice.] JAPAN The TEI Japan Committee is also interested in formulating a common set of comments from Asian points of view; those interested in having input to this process should contact Prof. Tutiya. (Comments from Asia are not required, however, to be addressed to the TEI Japan Committee.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix A North/Central/South American Subscription Form for TEI P2 (Paper) TEI P2 is the first draft of one of the final work products of the TEI; the others will be a set of discipline-specific tutorials (TEI U1 et seq.) and one or more 'case-books' (TEI T1 et seq.) giving extended examples of TEI tags being used in various applications. It contains three major parts: a prose specification, a reference section and full document type definitions (DTDs). The prose specification is divided into 6 major sections, which are briefly summarized below. Each section contains brief descriptions of the tags proposed in a particular area, a formal summary of their proper usage with simple illustrative examples, and DTD fragments. The refer- ence section is an alphabetic list of all elements, attributes and ele- ment classes defined in the TEI DTDs, giving a full definition for each together with a formal description of its usage. The whole is extensive- ly cross referenced. There follows a summary table of contents, as currently envisaged. The numbers given are those of the fascicles in which the draft will be first published. Please circle clearly those Parts and/or Chapters which you would like to receive. * Front Matter - Preface - Summary - Summary of Changes in Version 2 * Part I. Introduction - 1. About These Guidelines -- 1.1 Texts and Their Electronic Representation -- 1.2 Intended Applications -- 1.3 Origin and Development -- 1.4 Design Principles -- 1.5 Structure of This Document -- 1.6 Status of This Draft -- 1.7 Future Development of the Guidelines - 2. Concise Summary of SGML - 3. Structure of the TEI Document Type Declarations -- 3.1 Main and Auxiliary DTDs -- 3.2 Base Tag Sets and Additional Tag Sets -- 3.3 Global Attributes -- 3.4 Element Classes and Other Parameter Entities -- 3.5 Invocation of TEI DTDs -- 3.6 Combining TEI DTD Fragments * Part II: Core Tags and General Rules - 4. Characters and Character Sets -- 4.1 Local Character Sets -- 4.2 Shifting among Character Sets -- 4.3 Character Set Problems and Interchange -- 4.4 Writing System Declaration - 5. The TEI Header -- 5.1 Organization of the TEI Header -- 5.2 The File Description -- 5.3 The Encoding Description -- 5.4 The Profile Description -- 5.5 The Revision Description -- 5.6 Minimal and Recommended Headers -- 5.7 Note for Library Cataloguers - 6. Tags Available in All TEI DTDs -- 6.1 Paragraphs -- 6.2 Ambiguous Punctuation -- 6.3 Highlighting and Quotation Marks - 6.3.1 Highlighting and Related Features - 6.3.2 Material in Quotation Marks - 6.3.3 Terms, Cited Words and Glosses - 6.4 Names/Numbers/Dates/Abbreviations -- 6.4.1 Names -- 6.4.2 Numbers -- 6.4.3 Dates -- 6.4.4 Abbreviations - 6.5 Simple Editorial Changes - 6.6 Simple Cross References - 6.7 Lists - 6.8 Notes - 6.9 Reference Systems - 6.10 Bibliographic Citations - 6.11 Segmentation * Part III: Base Tag Sets - 7. Base Tag Set for Prose - 8. Base Tag Set for Verse - 9. Base Tag Set for Drama - 10. Base Tag Set for Transcriptions of Spoken Texts - 11. Base Tag Set for Letters and Memos - 12. Base Tag Set for Printed Dictionaries - 13. Base Tag Set for Terminological Data - 14. Base Tag Set for Language Corpora and Collections - 15. User-defined Base Tag Sets Part IV. Additional Tag Sets - 16. Tags for Segmentation and Alignment - 17. Simple Analytic Mechanisms - 18. Feature Structure Analysis - 19. Certainty - 20. Manuscripts, Analytic Bibliography, and Physical Description of the Source Text - 21. Critical Editions - 22. Additional Tags for Names and Dates - 23. Graphs, Digraphs, and Trees - 24. Graphics, Figures, and Illustrations - 25. Formulae and Tables - 26. Additional Tags for TEI Header * Part V: Auxiliary Document Types - 27. Structured Header - 28. Writing System Declaration - 29. Feature Structure Declaration - 30. Tag Set Documentation * Part VI: Technical Topics - 31. TEI Conformance - 32. Modifying TEI DTDs - 33. Local Installation and Support of TEI Markup - 34. Use of TEI Encoding Scheme in Interchange - 35. Relationship of TEI to Other Standards - 36. Markup for Non-Hierarchical Phenomena - 37. Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References * Part VII: Alphabetical Reference List of Tags and Attributes * Part VIII: Reference Material - 38. Full TEI Document Type Declarations - 39. Standard Writing System Declarations - 40. Feature Structure Declaration for Basic Grammatical Annota- tion - 41. Sample Tag Set Declaration - 42. Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange Format Subset of SGML ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix B European Subscription Request for Paper Copy of TEI P2 Name______________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please enter my subscription for one paper copy of each fascicle of TEI P2, to be mailed to the above address by standard first class, with- in two weeks of its publication in electronic form. I enclose a one off payment of 50 pounds, to cover all printing and mailing costs for my subscription to TEI P2, plus one free copy of TEI P3, when this is available. This subscription expires with the publica- tion of TEI P3, which is currently scheduled for December 1992. Signed: __________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ N.B. Payment should be made by cheque or postal draft to the account of Oxford University Computing Services. Payment must be enclosed with this order form; unpaid orders will be ignored. This form should be returned to: TEI Subscriptions Oxford University Computing Services 13 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 6NN UK