TEI ED J7 How to Obtain the Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI) Publication of TEI P2 Version 2 of the "Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine Readable Texts" (TEI P2) will be made available both in paper form and in electronic form, unlike the first version (TEI P1), which was available only in paper form. Rather than issuing TEI P2 as a complete, comprehensive, single volume work, the TEI will publish each section of TEI P2 as soon as it has been approved by the drafting committee and the editors. A complete description of the sections is included in the accompanying memo, "Note on the Structure and Contents of TEI P2" (TEI ED J6). Each part or fascicle will be placed on the fileserver here at UICVM in a variety of electronic formats, and we will also be maintaining mailing lists in Europe and the US for those who prefer to receive paper copy. An announcement will be made on TEI-L each time a new fascicle is made available, with full instructions on how to obtain copies by all of these means. Each part will also include a full table of contents for the whole draft, indicating the current status of each part. This is so that, whichever part you receive, you will be able to tell both where it belongs in the whole work and which other parts are available to date. Each part will also be accompanied by a `user response form' for comment, but comments are of course welcome in whatever format is most convenient, particularly those directed to TEI-L. This serial mode of publication has the major benefit of simplifying the review of the Guidelines for the reader. Not everyone has the time or inclination to comment on a volume the size of P1 when it lands on the desk all of a piece, while individual chapters on specific topics can perhaps be more readily and speedily considered. We hope that this means the quality and quantity of public comment will increase: you can help by commenting yourself or by making sure that other interested persons in your organization who may not have access to e-mail are made aware of the drafts as they come. Thank you for your interest -- we look forward to incorporating the suggestions you make in a future version of the Guidelines. -Michael Sperberg-McQueen Lou Burnard TEI Editors