Notes on AIW12 17 Jan 90, CMSMcQ First: good paper. I like the formalism pretty well, though I expect I'll continue to think first in SGML. I like the discussions of SGML much less, and found that they distracted me from the paper. You'll notice in my comments where I become defensive on behalf of SGML and its designers. Lord knows they made stupid mistakes, but I don't think they're guilty of the ones you name. Need less discussion of why-SGML-won't-work and more discussion of what is needed for good analysis of the problem domain. My own view is that SGML is stronger and better designed than is suggested here, and that in any case it was designed to work in conjunction with other languages for semantic specification. If we add our own formalisms for semantic specification we are simply working with SGML as it was designed to be worked with and consequently don't need to argue that SGML is flawed. It may well be that some things (constraints on element content, scope and type checking for ID references) ought ideally to be added to SGML itself in a future iteration of that language. I am inclined to think so, and to think that our work with integrity constraints can be very useful in determining what needs to be added and how. But we don't need to decide all that here or now. All we need to decide is what kinds of things are useful to specify in designing a markup language. How we get from there to an implementation is a separate issue. Intro. The distinction made here between "encoding the text itself" and encoding the linguistics of the text eludes me. The linguistics are in the text as surely as are the paragraph breaks. Do you mean "the graphetic form of the text"? In which case you're correct only if you omit the needs of codicology and analytic bibliography, not to mention textual criticism. My notes show no discussion at all of the relative complexity of linguistic analysis and other markup, and also no decision about the adequacy of SGML for analytic markup. The committee decided to work with an ad hoc formalism to simplify expression of semantic constraints and (it seemed to me) because no one in the committee felt wholly comfortable with SGML formalisms. The only argument we need to make in favor of a specification language like that presented here is that it simplifies the expression of the conceptual model. We needn't claim to be replacing SGML or even talk particularly about its inadequacies. If we do, we will make some people defensive about it (as I have become defensive myself). 1.1 Syntax without semantics I think this section misrepresents the intention of SGML. The standard does without semantics not because the semantics of the graphemic level of texts are simple but because most attempts at formal semantics turn out to involve procedural specifications of some sort or another, which would take away the advantages of generalized descriptive (non-procedural) markup. The intention of the developers was and is for semantic specification languages to be used to specify the semantics of SGML elements. That is the function of DSSSL and SPDL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language and Standard Page Description Language) within the realm of document layout and printing. It may be objected that some types of semantics *are* expressible in SGML -- inconsistently with the claim that it only aims to provide a syntax -- and that either more or less is needed. Attributes have a (rather eccentric) choice of possible data types, and occurrence counts are defined (=1) for attributes and definable for elements. It is surely true that the SGML developers produced some rather eccentric dividing lines between what the language does and doesn't do. I believe the development of more useful constraints on content or attribute values could be a useful contribution to the further revision of SGML or accompanying languages. '!ELEMENT' -- the '!' is part of the delimiter '