Dictionaries Work Group

Objectives and Deadlines


Table of Contents

1 Objectives

  1. Reformulate this list of objectives.
  2. Evaluate work carried out so far towards the development of a set of neutral recommendations of general usefulness in the tagging of existing printed monolingual and multilingual dictionaries.
  3. Propose ways in which this work may be extended and consolidated, for use by historical lexicographers as well as linguists. Provide a representative sample of entries from a wide variety of dictionaries. Types of dictionary covered should include:
  4. Plan work toward further development of dictionary recommendations.
  5. Specify work topics included in dictionary work, work groups needed, objectives of the work groups, and suggested deadlines for their work.
  6. Respond to comments on the relevant portions of TEI P1 routed to this work group by the editors.

2 Administrative

Work group reports to Committee for Text Analysis and Interpretation. Work group comprises Robert Amsler, Bran Boguraev, and Nicoletta Calzolari.

Funding is authorized for one meeting.

3 Deadlines

Reformulation of objectives (AI5 P1) is due 15 November 1990. Report with recommended work groups and objectives for further work (AI5 W2) due 7 December 1990. Report (AI5 P2) for public release due 31 January 1990.